China’s turning point

How climate action can drive our economic future


Time is running out to act on climate change. But rather than climate action being a drain on our economy, our China report shows it will significantly boost GDP and accelerate phenomenal growth. 


With decarbonization acting as a new economic engine, China plays a key role in providing the skills, technology and innovation for this global transformation. 

By moving now with bold action, we can not only avoid the worst impacts of climate change, but also create prosperous long-term economic growth for China and the world. 

But we only do this if we do it together and we do it now – we are at a turning point.


Report insight



Report highlights


Economic imperative—our turning point

The cost of action and inaction


The opportunity and impacts

China faces a critical and consequential choice


Time to act—accelerating to zero

Four phases will shape our economic and climatic future

Dive into the data


Contact us

Allan Xie

Climate & Sustainability Leader
Deloitte China

Jolin Gu

Climate & Sustainability Partner
Deloitte China

Robert Hansor

Climate & Sustainability Director
Risk Advisory Director
Deloitte China



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