
2020 Global Technology Leadership Survey   

A call to action for technology leaders, business leaders, and CIOs   

Our 2020 Global Technology Leadership Survey, formerly the Global CIO Survey, is now open. We invite you to share your perspectives on how the role of technology is changing—and what this means for you, your teams, your organization, and your customers. By completing our short online questionnaire, you’ll play an important role in our research and gain deeper insights from the study’s findings on how technology will shape the future of your organization.

Participate in our 2020 Global Technology Leadership Survey

What’s in it for you?

  • Upon submitting your survey responses, you’ll receive The Future of Work in Technology, an in-depth research report exploring how technology and business leaders can reimagine technology work, the workforce, and the workplace.
  • We’ll share early notification once the survey report publishes (expected in Spring 2020).
  • With the survey report, you’ll have access to a snapshot of your responses compared to your global peers and additional industry insights that are not publicly available.
  • You may request a personal read-out of the study and invite your leadership team to join to better understand the findings. 



Manifesting legacy

In a digital-driven business reality, CIOs face a choice: remain a functional leader or aim to help shape and lead the organization’s digital future. Deloitte’s global CIO survey shows how leaders are taking on the challenge.



About the CIO Program

CIOs lead unique and complex lives—operating at the intersection of business and IT to deliver value to their organizations. To help CIOs manage these challenges and issues, Deloitte has created the CIO Program. The program provides distinctive offerings to support the CIO career lifecycle through leadership development programs, immersive lab experiences, insight on provocative topics, and career transition support to complement the technology services and solutions we provide to our clients.