
At Deloitte, we approach sustainability as a collective opportunity to drive responsible climate choices across our organization and beyond. In September 2020, Deloitte Global launched a new strategy, WorldClimate, which encompasses four pillars of impact. As part of WorldClimate, we are taking a systems-wide approach to sustainability within Deloitte as well as across our external communities. We are dedicated to transitioning our buildings to 100% renewable energy, switching to 100% hybrid/electric vehicles, and reducing travel emissions by 50% per full-time employee (FTE) by 2030 from a 2019 base year. In addition to embedding and prioritizing sustainability within our operations, we are also focused on empowering our professionals and activating our ecosystem to enable collective action on climate change.

Net-zero with 2030 Goals

The near-term goals are to:

  • Reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions 70% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from business travel 50% per FTE by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Engage with our major suppliers with the goal of having 67% (by emissions) set science-based targets by 2025.
  • Invest in meaningful market solutions for emissions we cannot eliminate.

Additional 2030 goals to reduce emissions include:

  • Sourcing 100% renewable energy for our buildings.
  • Converting 100% of our fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles.

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Embed Sustainability

We recognize that we must align and integrate our climate policies, practices, and actions across our organization, by prioritizing:

  • Designating a senior leader to be responsible for climate for our organization;
  • Discussing climate change on executive agendas;
  • Embedding climate-smart considerations into operational decisions; and
  • Continuing to report our annual emissions externally for transparency and accountability.

Empower Individuals

By engaging and educating Deloitte professionals on climate change impacts, we will empower our people to make positive climate choices at home and at work.
Examples include:

  • Deloitte's global climate learning program for all of its people worldwide.
  • Deloitte's Green Team Network, which consists of groups of professionals who help make their local offices more environmentally sustainable, while educating colleagues on sustainability best practices.

Engage Ecosystems

Deloitte collaborates with clients, alliance partners, non-government organizations, industry groups, suppliers, and others to:

  • increase demand for responsible products and services;
  • remove roadblocks that can get in the way of enacting change; and
  • create innovative climate solutions at a systems and operations level.

An example of how we engage ecosystems is through our membership in The Ceres Company Network which includes major corporations committed to driving sustainable business leadership by taking action to stabilize the climate, protect water and natural resources, and build a just and inclusive economy.

Innovation at Scale: Sustainable
Aviation Fuel (SAF)

Deloitte entered into SAF agreements with several US airlines to cover a portion of Deloitte’s business travel. Deloitte’s SAF investment is a testament to how we are addressing climate change using all our strengths across the four WorldClimate commitments. Deloitte is also a member of the World Economic Forum's Clean Skies for Tomorrow coalition and a founding member of the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance (SABA), which supports and provides momentum to existing airline-company agreements, while driving investment and production of SAF and furthering technological innovation in the field of sustainable aviation.

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