

Trends in the sports retail industry, featuring the NFL

A closer look at the intersection of sports and business

This episode of That Makes Cents explores merchandising, licensing, and opportunities in the sports retail industry, featuring a guest speaker from the NFL.

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The game plan for growth in sports retail, featuring the NFL

As SVP and head of Consumer Products at the National Football League, Joe Ruggiero works at the intersection of sports and business, tackling unique challenges like how to grow digital fandom. But he’s also dealing with many of the same issues as traditional retailers: planning around seasonality, evolving with e-commerce, designing for different customer segments, and more. Tune into this episode to hear from him and Pete Giorgio, Deloitte’s US Sports leader, on lessons learned from the past year, insights on the growing role of tech and data, and their five-year outlook for the sports retail industry.

To be able to express your fandom through the digital side of things that you’re doing for fun…that’s a pretty powerful evolution. As digital gaming continues to grow and change into different formats, there’s going to be a lot of opportunity that’s created for sports. It’s a place that I think is really ripe for innovation.

– Joe Ruggiero, head of Consumer Products at the NFL

About That Makes Cents

Our consumer podcast, That Makes Cents, dives into what consumers are thinking, feeling, and buying right now. Host and Deloitte leader Bobby Stephens talks with industry leaders to help you navigate the evolving consumer industry and prepare for what’s next.

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