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Enabling innovation with automated decision-making

Part of the That Makes Cents podcast series

This episode explores how retailers can harness the power of alternative data, artificial intelligence, and automated decision-making to achieve more with less, featuring a special guest: acclaimed tech reporter Alex Kantrowitz.

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Automation and innovation with Alex Kantrowitz

What enables the tech giants to keep their spots at the top of the industry, and how can other organizations compete? What is the key to getting workforce automation right? How can retailers harness the power of alternative data, AI, and automation to achieve more with less? Alex Kantrowitz, acclaimed tech reporter, author of Always Day One, and host of the Big Technology Podcast, joins this episode alongside Deloitte’s chief Retail innovation officer, Kasey Lobaugh, to break it all down.

The core theme for me is that everybody starts with a culture of invention. The question is, can you stay in that culture of invention versus fall back to what many, many companies do—especially as they get larger—which is become a culture of maintenance, a culture of refinement?

­ – Alex Kantrowitz

About That Makes Cents

Our consumer podcast, That Makes Cents, dives into what consumers are thinking, feeling, and buying right now. Host and Deloitte leader Bobby Stephens talks with industry leaders to help you navigate the evolving consumer industry and prepare for what’s next.

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