

Program Evaluation and Research Services

Assess your program through rapid evaluation

At Deloitte, we can help you assess how well your program is working through process, impact, and outcome evaluation that encompass data analytics, organizational assessment, and strategic change. Our evaluation and research consultants provide in-depth examination of programmatic performance that supports policy decisions, resource allocations, and overall program effectiveness and efficacy. Combined with industry-leading analytics, rapid survey capabilities supported by our alliance with Qualtrics, and novel machine learning techniques, our team delivers rapid data collection and targeted research needs. We also help our clients comply with evaluation requirements such as Institutional Review Board protocols, Paperwork Reduction Act/Office of Management and Budget clearance, and Evidence Act compliance.

Evaluation at Deloitte

Through our global footprint and broad evaluation experience, Deloitte leads in effective program evaluation that is essential to today’s expectations for evidence-based programs, accountability, and fiscal stewardship. Deloitte’s evaluation approach is informed by utilization-focused evaluation methods as we firmly believe that evaluation should be judged on its usefulness to its intended users. This approach bridges the gap between the generation and application of evidence by leveraging evaluation findings to effectively guide program planning, implementation, ongoing improvements, and sustainability. Our innovative and practical strategies also ensure evaluation is timely and efficient as possible.

Overview of Deloitte's Evaluation and Research Capabilities

Market-leading evaluation and research capabilities

Our program evaluation and research solutions are designed to support mission needs. We help programs make sense of the data and provide insights to drive policymaking, resource allocation decisions, and program improvement. Our specialists apply a variety of traditional and innovative methods and techniques to produce actionable insights:

  • Utilization-focused design and strategy
  • Program monitoring and rapid evaluation
  • Evaluability assessments
  • Survey research
  • Quantitative data collection and analysis
  • Qualitative data collection and analysis
  • Human-centered design (HCD)
  • Behavioral insights
  • Evaluation technical assistance
  • Learnings dissemination
  • Developmental evaluation (e.g., outcome harvesting)

Achieve greater impact

We believe evaluation should be continuous through the life cycle of programs to help ensure programs continue to achieve sustained impact and are accountable for their investments.

Learn about Deloitte’s approach:

  • Prioritize usability to drive impact: Deloitte emphasizes timely and action-oriented results combined with ongoing stakeholder engagement to provide actionable, useful, and prompt information to drive program decisions.
  • Ensure culturally competent evaluation: Deloitte recognizes that cultural perspective—race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, gender identification, literacy, and other characteristics—influences all parts of the evaluation life cycle. Across all evaluation services, Deloitte uses effective and proven strategies to provide relevant insights for action.
  • Maximize use of existing data: Deloitte takes full advantage of existing program and fiscal big data sources, benchmarking data sets, as well as proprietary data services and large data assets, to drive more efficient and targeted data collection and performance monitoring.
  • Collect data rapidly through technology: Deloitte applies relevant and effective technology—mobile data collection, web-based interview and focus group tools, social media analysis, and cutting-edge analytics and visualization—for faster, flexible, and more accurate data collection, management, analysis, and presentation.

Evaluation and research in action


Get in touch

Patrick Koeppl, PhD, MA

Patrick Koeppl, PhD, MA

Managing Director, Government & Public Services

Dr. Patrick Koeppl is a Deloitte Consulting Managing Director working across public health with federal, commercial, and non-profit clients. He is a social research specialist and has extensive experi... More

Jenica Reed, DrPH

Jenica Reed, DrPH

Specialist Leader, Government & Public Services

Dr. Jenica (Huddleston) Reed is an experienced leader in designing evaluations and drawing actionable findings to inform program, policy, and governmental decision-making. She has more than 20 years o... More

Cathy Lesesne, PhD, MPH

Cathy Lesesne, PhD, MPH

Specialist Executive, Government & Public Services

Dr. Cathy Lesesne is a Human Capital Specialist Executive and serves as a Human Capital leader for Deloitte's Evaluation and Research for Action capability. She has more than 20 years of experience le... More

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