Global Tax Alerts


Global Tax Alerts

იხილეთ სრულად

Global Tax Alerts, prepared by Deloitte professionals around the world, provide summaries of tax developments affecting cross-border transactions.

Recent alerts and an archive of alerts from the previous 12 months appear below; for older issues, please email a request to

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Recent alerts

16 September 2014: United States Tax Alert

OECD Releases First Set of BEPS Deliverables

11 September 2014: United States Tax Alert

Schumer Anti-Inversion Bill

10 September 2014: United States Tax Alert

PFIC Reporting Relief for Mark-to-Market Investments

23 August 2014: Chile Tax Alert

Amended tax reform bill approved by Senate

1 August 2014: United States Tax Alert

“Stop Corporate Earnings Stripping Act of 2014”

25 July 2014: France Tax Alert

Amended Finance Law for 2014 passed

23 July 2014: United States Tax Alert

Internal Revenue Service Issues Guidance under Section 901(m) on Dispositions Following Covered Asset Acquisitions

21 July 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

Tax amnesty program revised and incentive for exporters reintroduced

21 July 2014: China Tax Alert

New reporting requirements for foreign investments/income introduced

8 July 2014: Mexico Tax Alert

SAT extends restructuring period for maquiladoras

7 July 2014: Peru Tax Alert

Guidance issued on reporting obligations for indirect transfers

2 July 2014: Spain Tax Alert

Broad-based corporate tax reform proposed

27 June 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

Government reopens tax amnesty program

27 June 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

Tax authorities revise view on tax treatment of payments for technical services/assistance

17 June 2014: Sweden Tax Alert

Committee on corporate taxation proposes changes to corporate tax rules

16 June 2014: Luxembourg Tax Alert

Tax authorities issue guidance on use of foreign currency for tax purposes

12 June 2014: European Union Tax Alert

CJEU rules Netherlands fiscal unity regime incompatible with EU law

5 June 2014: European Union Tax Alert

CJEU declares Netherlands dividend withholding tax compatible with EU law

5 June 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

IOF on short-term external loan transactions revised again

3 June 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

Tax authorities issue guidance on transition tax regime and CFC election procedures

27 May 2014: Ireland Tax Alert

BEPS consultation process launched

21 May 2014: United States Tax Alert

Bills Extend Scope of Section 7874

15 May 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

Repeal of RTT and changes to CFC/share premium allocation rules converted into law

25 April 2014: United States Tax Alert

Cross-Border Triangular Reorganizations Notice

25 April 2014: Canada Tax Alert

FCA limits scope of foreign affiliates anti-avoidance rule in Lehigh

25 April 2014: Norway Tax Alert

MOF issues exceptions to interest deduction limitation rules

17 April 2014: Chile Tax Alert

Sweeping tax reform bill presented to congress

17 April 2014: France Tax Alert

Tax authorities issue draft comments on anti-hybrid rule

15 April 2014: Switzerland Tax Alert

Cantons announce lower headline tax rates in anticipation of Corporate Tax Reform III

12 April 2014: Denmark Tax Alert

National Tax Board issues favorable ruling on PE and anti-avoidance rules

9 April 2014: Australia Tax Alert

ATO wins appeal on treaty issues affecting Cayman limited partnership

4 April 2014: United States Tax Alert

OECD Releases BEPS Draft on Hybrid Mismatch Arrangements

26 March 2014: United States Tax Alert

OECD Releases BEPS Draft on the Digital Economy

21 March 2014: United States Tax Alert

OECD Releases BEPS Draft on Inappropriate Circumstances for Treaty Benefits

20 March 2014: Austria Tax Alert

2014 tax reform enacted

19 March 2014: United Kingdom Tax Alert

2014 budget announced

5 March 2014: United States Tax Alert

Treasury issues Notice 2014-14 revising effective date for imposition of gross tax on certain equity linked instruments under Section 871(m)

5 March 2014: United States Tax Alert

Administration proposes six new international tax revenue raisers in its proposed FY2015 budget

Recent alerts and an archive of alerts from the previous 12 months appear on this page; for older issues, please email a request to


28 February 2014: United States Tax Alert

The International Tax Provisions of the Tax Reform Act of 2014

28 February 2014: European Union Tax Alert

AG Kokott opines Netherlands fiscal unity regime incompatible with EU law

27 February 2014: Brazil Tax Alert

New position adopted on tax treatment of payments for technical services without transfer of technology

22 February 2014: Switzerland Tax Alert

SFTA updates guidelines for taxation of principal companies

20 February 2014: Canada Tax Alert

2014 budget includes inbound financing and anti-treaty shopping measures

14 February 2014: Netherlands Tax Alert

Supreme court confirms treatment of hybrid instruments for participation exemption purposes

5 February 2014: Australia Tax Alert

New draft legislation released on investment manager regime

23 January 2014: Austria Tax Alert

Draft of 2014 tax reform bill released

18 January 2014: United States Tax Alert

§7874 Temporary Regulations re: Stock Acquired for Cash or Other Disqualified Property

4 January 2014: Mexico Tax Alert

New decree and rules may ease effects of tax reform on maquiladora industry

24 December 2013: Gibraltar Tax Alert

Royalty income to be subject to income tax

20 December 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Government announces fate of outstanding tax measures

12 December 2013: Mexico Tax Alert

Tax reform passed

6 December 2013: United States Tax Alert

Final and new proposed dividend equivalent regulations issued under Section 871(m)

5 December 2013: United Kingdom Tax Alert

Autumn statement delivered

3 December 2013: United States Tax Alert

Baucus international tax reform proposals: impact on foreign multinationals

26 November 2013: European Union Tax Alert

Changes proposed to parent-subsidiary directive to tackle tax avoidance

20 November 2013: United States Tax Alert

Baucus tax reform discussion draft takes on international tax rules

14 November 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Government announces plans for backlog of tax measures

13 November 2013: Brazil Tax Alert

RTT repealed, changes made to CFC and share premium allocation rules

8 November 2013: France Tax Alert

Bill to combat tax avoidance approved

8 November 2013: Norway Tax Alert

New government makes minor change to interest deduction limit proposal

25 October 2013: Ireland Tax Alert

Finance Bill 2013 published

24 October 2013: Portugal Tax Alert

Corporate tax reform proposed

23 October 2013: Mexico Tax Alert

Update on progress of tax reform

15 October 2013: Norway Tax Alert

Budget for 2014 contains interest deduction limitation rule

11 October 2013: Hungary Tax Alert

Changes to be proposed to participation exemption and company migration rules

11 October 2013: Brazil Tax Alert

Tax amnesty programs re-opened and expanded

26 September 2013: France Tax Alert

Finance Bill 2014 includes new taxes on large companies

24 September 2013: Brazil Tax Alert

New accounting and tax rules and reporting requirement under Transition Tax Regime

23 September 2013: United States Tax Alert

U.S. Tax Court Holds That Elective Rev. Proc. 99-32 Accounts Receivable Are for Certain Tax Purposes “Indebtedness” Existing at the End of the Year to Which the 482 Adjustment Relates

9 September 2013: Mexico Tax Alert

Tax reform presented to congress

3 August 2013: Brazil Tax Alert

Guidance issued on spread for transfer pricing purposes

24 July 2013: Mexico Tax Alert

Deadline to file 2012 maquiladora information return approaching

23 July 2013: Italy Tax Alert

Draft implementation rules issued on optional exit tax deferral regime

19 July 2013: OECD Tax Alert

Action plan on base erosion and profit shifting released

20 June 2013: OECD Tax Alert

G8 communiqué advocates multilateral exchange of information

13 June 2013: Germany Tax Alert

Amended Tax Act 2013 approved

11 June 2013: Gibraltar Tax Alert

Tax treatment of intercompany interest amended

1 June 2013: Canada Tax Alert

Tax Court rules on scope of Canadian foreign affiliate anti-avoidance rule

21 May 2013: United States Tax Alert

Supreme Court finds UK windfall tax creditable under Code section 901

20 May 2013: Switzerland Tax Alert

Corporate tax reform report advocates strengthening of international tax competitiveness

17 May 2013: Denmark Tax Alert

Corporate income tax rate reduction proposed

15 May 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Budget 2013-14 targets debt funding by multinationals

10 May 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Court rules on foreign limited partnerships and capital gains tax issues

9 May 2013: Norway Tax Alert

Tax increase announced for petroleum companies

8 May 2013: Malta Tax Alert

New treaty signed with Russia

12 April 2013: Norway Tax Alert

Consultation paper released on limit on related party debt interest deduction

10 April 2013: United States Tax Alert

Administration Releases FY2014 Budget and Treasury Releases Descriptions of International Tax Proposals in Greenbook

9 April 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Draft legislation released on investment manager regime

4 April 2013: Australia Tax Alert

Proposals released to publicly disclose tax payment details

4 April 2013: Ireland Tax Alert

Finance Act 2013: Ireland always open for business

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