Third Party Management (TPM)


Third Party Management (TPM)

Extended Enterprise Capabilities

No company is an island. The ecosystem of a modern organization is made up of hundreds of third parties with which the company does business, including customers, partners, agents, affiliates, vendors, and service providers. Taken together, these third parties constitute what we have termed “the extended enterprise.”

Third Party Management (TPM)

TPM services are primarily targeted at companies that are exposed to reputational risk and customer churn, that are seeking to digitize their processes and workflows, that want to optimize revenues & margins and operate in a controlled and transparent third party ecosystem, that are experiencing both cost pressures due to shrinking margins and increased regulatory burden.


  • Third Party Management (TPM)

Deloitte assists clients in building and enhancing their TPRM programs. With deep international and local experience, our professionals are perfectly suited to support clients in the design of comprehensive third party risk management (TPRM) programs. We improve the existing TPRM structures (processes, technologies or procedures) or provide technology and people to cooperate with the key stakeholders in the organization in order to create such structures.

How can we help you?

  • Assessment of TPRM maturity, with recommendations of improvements
  • Design of a dedicated TPRM program
  • TPRM tool implementation
  • TPRM outsourcing


  • Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)

Deloitte assists clients in designing and implementing contract management processes and tools as part of the automation and digitization of business processes. Our experienced team can provide support in:

  • contract analysis and negotiation
  • identifying key contractual clauses
  • conducting contract risk assessment and
  • implementation of a tool to support the contract management process.
Third Party Advisory (TPA)  - Extended Enterprise


Bartosz Zając

Bartosz Zając

Partner | Risk Advisory | Extended Enterprise

Bartosz od ponad 12 lat doradza klientom w zakresie zarządzania stronami trzecimi. Jako Partner w dziale zarządzania ryzykiem Deloitte odpowiada za zespół Extended Enterprise. Oferowane przez niego us... Więcej