Key takeaways
Host: William Eggers, executive director, Deloitte center for government Insights, Deloitte Services LP
Dr. Charlotte Owen, head of tech and data for the (BOLD) programme, Ministry of Justice (United Kingdom)
Jaimie Boyd, partner, Deloitte Canada
Aurelio “PJ” Rivera, principal, Deloitte Consulting LLP
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Governments are reframing their role in delivering public value. Walls are coming down at all levels in government — the walls that create silos inside governments and those between government and the private sector are increasingly being dissolved to achieve collaborative shared outcomes.
This year’s government trends are related to cross-boundary collaboration, divided into two major categories. We’ll discuss:
- Cross-cutting trends - Governments are eliminating silos across areas such as data, funding, and workforce to pool resources and capabilities.
- Domains-focused trends – agencies are nurturing collaborative networks and leveraging shared knowledge and strengths in key domains such as justice, health, and regulation.