26 Mar.

The transferability credit marketplace

Federal Tax

Tuesday, 01:00 p.m.  ET | 1 hr
Credits offered: CPE Event language: English

Participants will summarize the impacts of buying credits and have a basic understanding of the process and risk considerations.

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Key takeaways

Host: Gary Hecimovich, partner, Deloitte Tax LLP

Presenters: Keith Adams, partner, Deloitte FAS LLP
 Jessica Zoine, manager, Deloitte Tax LLP

1.0 Overview CPE credit | Taxes

The Inflation Reduction Act has enabled the transferability of tax credits for renewable energy, manufacturing, and more. Credit generators who may not directly realize near-term tax benefits are increasingly selling their credits to support project development and capital deployment. We’ll discuss:

  • The tax credits made available through legislation
  • The opportunity from the buyer’s lens created through transferability of tax credits
  • The process and risk considerations of buying credits

Meet the speakers

Gary Hecimovich

Gary Hecimovich

Partner | Deloitte Tax LLP

Gary provides due diligence, structuring, application writing, tax opinions, and other transactional consulting services on a wide array of federal income tax incentives, including: employee retention credits, paycheck protection program loans, qualified opportunity zones (QOZ), energy tax credits, renewable energy production tax credits, American Recovery and Reinvestment Tax Act (ARRTA) 1603 cash grants, new markets tax credits (NMTC), refined coal tax credits, historic rehabilitation tax credits, low-income housing tax credits (LIHTC), and various other federal credits and incentives. He is also the co-leader of the US Global Investment and Innovation Incentives (Gi3) Tax practice assisting our National Federal Tax Services engagement teams with client pursuits, engagement execution, and overseeing quality control. Gary has extensive experience serving clients while interfacing with the US Department of the Treasury and the IRS on regulatory guidance projects, ruling requests, tax controversy, and other federal income tax matters. Gary is a published author and frequent public speaker on federal tax matters. His articles have appeared in Tax Notes, Journal of Accountancy, and The Tax Adviser. He was previously a member of the American Institute of CPAs Technical Resource Panel on Tax Methods & Periods and the moderator of the Deloitte’s Federal Tax Dbriefs webcast series. Gary has a master of accounting degree from University of North Carolina.

Keith Adams

Keith Adams

Power, Utilities & Renewables Sector Leader

Keith, a principal with Deloitte Transactions and Business Analytics LLP, serves as the Advisory Power, Utilities & Renewables sector leader for M&A Services. For more than 20 years, Keith has provided transaction, financial advisory, and valuation advice to clients to assist with buy-side and sell-side M&A transactions, strategic planning, and other life cycle events. Energy related companies and assets that Keith has experience with include: power generation facilities (coal, gas, oil, hydro, nuclear, wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass), electric transmission and distribution assets, natural gas distribution assets, propane operations, retail energy, and others. In addition, Keith also has experience in serving clients in the Oil & Gas sector and the biofuels subsector.

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Tuesday, 26 Mar 2024 01:00 p.m. ET
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