
Media and Advertising Risk Services

Reduce risk in media and advertising spend

​As digital advertising spending surpasses TV ad spending in the US, advertisers are using digital in innovative ways to connect with tech-savvy consumers. This evolution can add layers of complexity to agency relationships and create a need for greater visibility into digital marketing. To prevent media risk, there will be greater scrutiny on placement, measurement, and campaign effectiveness.

Mitigating media risk

Digital media is constantly evolving. The increase of media platforms—from sponsored posts on social media channels to pre-roll video ads on websites—is giving brands more ways to reach consumers and business audiences. As a result, the issue of transparency in media buying and client-agency relationships is becoming more important. How well do you know what's going on behind the scenes?

Many organizations budget for advertising on channels such as television, radio, print, social, and digital (display, mobile, paid search, and online video) as well as creative production, direct marketing, promotions, public relations, and sponsorships—but they are not seeing the value in dollars spent.

The problem with programmatic media

Programmatic media—which lets advertisers buy, serve, and optimize ads in real time based on a bidding system—has automated much of media buying. It has also improved operational efficiencies. But while these advances can present new opportunities for advertisers to reach target audiences, they also add layers of complexity to agency reviews, contract negotiations, and performance monitoring.

Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory works with brands to help them proactively manage and monitor risks presented by third-party relationships. Our goal is to advance transparency and relevance while protecting brand value in the digital media ecosystem. We assist clients in navigating the complexities, media risks and advertising risks, and opportunities with specialized audit analytics, cyber technologies, and internal control services.

A closer look at media and advertising risk services

Deloitte follows a phased approach to media and advertising risk services to help brands determine the effectiveness and efficiency of media and advertising strategies. Our professionals work with brands to help them reduce risk, accelerate performance, and meet the growing demands of the new digital media ecosystem, from agency on-boarding to on-going monitoring of spend.

Our services include:

  • Media assessments and advertising agency assessments
  • Media data and reporting, analytics, and internal controls assessments
  • Search analyses and social media studies
  • Media cost and quality analyses
  • Agency reviews and support contract negotiations

About Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory

Deloitte Risk and Financial Advisory helps organizations effectively navigate business risks and opportunities—from strategic, reputation, and financial risks to operational, cyber, and regulatory risks—to gain competitive advantage. We apply our experience in ongoing business operations and corporate lifecycle events to help clients become stronger and more resilient. Our market-leading teams help clients embrace complexity to accelerate performance, disrupt through innovation, and lead in their industries.

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Get in touch

Chris Dahl

Chris Dahl

Managing Director | Deloitte & Touche LLP

Chris is the national managing director for Deloitte & Touche LLP's Risk & Financial Advisory services in the Media and Entertainment sector in the US. He has a strong background in operational saving... More

David Cutbill

David Cutbill

Principal | Deloitte & Touche LLP

David leads Deloitte’s Marketing and Advertising Risk Services, which provides brand and advertising assurance services to the CMO across traditional and digital media. The services focus on brand pro... More