31 Mar.

Financial accounting and reporting for income taxes: Important updates

Tax Accounting & Provisions

Friday, 01:00 p.m.  ET | 1 hr
Credits offered: CPE Event language: English

Participants will gain valuable insights into accounting for income taxes and the latest developments affecting financial reporting for taxes.

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Key takeaways

Host: Vickie Carr, partner, Deloitte Tax LLP

Presenters: Maritza Royall, partner, Deloitte Tax LLP
                       Paul Vitola, partner, Deloitte Tax LLP

1.0 Overview CPE credit | Accounting

In this session we’ll be looking back on the 2022 reporting season as well as looking forward to 2023. What income tax accounting matters should organizations be thinking about and how can they prepare for potentially significant changes in the global tax landscape? We’ll discuss:

  • Tax accounting considerations related to legislative developments
  • Updates from the FASB / SEC / IASB
  • OECD Pillar Two updates from around the globe ... and more 
  • Insights from 2022 and potential opportunities in 2023

Meet the speakers

Vickie Carr

Vickie Carr

US Leader | National Tax Accounting Group (NTAG)

Vickie is a partner in Deloitte Tax LLP. She has been with Deloitte for more than 30 years serving public and private clients in several industries, including many of our largest multinational clients. Vickie has spent the majority of her career specializing in tax accounting, specifically consulting with clients on ASC 740 matters. She currently leads our National Tax Accounting Group, a project-based group that provide tax accounting services such as outsourced and co-sourced provisions, transaction support including acquisition accounting and carve-out services, and deferred tax validations (i.e., tax basis balance sheets). She works with Deloitte’s Washington National Tax—Accounting for Income Taxes Group. Vickie is a frequent speaker at internal and external conferences on tax accounting topics, including client roundtables, external training, client-specific training, and Dbriefs for executives.

Paul Vitola

Paul Vitola

Partner | Deloitte Tax LLP

Paul specializes in the application of Accounting Standards Codification (ASC) 740, including interim, intra-period, valuation allowance, acquisition accounting, uncertain tax positions, outside basis differences, international structuring, and foreign currency issues. Paul has extensive experience helping a broad base of clients and client engagement teams with the application of ASC 740, as well as International Accounting Standard 12, on complex transactions and issues. He has contributed significantly to the development of technical content for Deloitte’s internal and external training materials and Deloitte’s income tax accounting publication, A roadmap to accounting for income taxes. Paul has instructed at national Deloitte seminars in Europe and Asia, as well as local seminars for Deloitte alumni and clients, including on-site accounting for income tax training. Paul has been a guest speaker for numerous professional organizations, including national and local seminars for Tax Executives Institute and Financial Executives International. He also has lectured at seminars for the Arizona Bar Association and has been published by The Tax Adviser. Paul received a BS cum laude from Montclair State University.

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Friday, 31 Mar 2023 01:00 p.m. ET
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