

Sneak peek at Season 6

Looking back on 2020, almost everything about the employee experience has changed. Join us as we explore how, despite historic disruptions, organizations are staying focused on the human experience to foster resiliency and build trust within the workforce.

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Sneak peek at Season 6

Looking back on 2020, almost everything about the employee experience has changed. From furloughs to remote work, today’s employees must navigate a constantly changing environment while simultaneously prioritizing their own health and safety. It’s a situation that requires resiliency—and that’s exactly what we’re focusing on in Capital H Season 6. Join us as we explore how, despite historic disruptions, organizations are staying focused on the human experience to foster resiliency and build trust within the workforce.

As workers continue to put their health and safety on the line, organizations are compelled to become even more human—to understand the unique needs of their workforce.

sneak peek season 6

2020 Global Human Capital Trends

Returning to work in the future of work

Embracing purpose, potential, perspective, and possibility during COVID-19.


Beyond reskilling

A system that invests not just in workers’ near-term skill needs, but also in workers’ long-term resilience can help build long-term organizational resilience in a world where the only constant is change.

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