ConsumerSignals is a longitudinal exploration of consumer spending behavior and the drivers behind it. Every month, we survey thousands of consumers across more than a dozen countries about their sense of financial well-being, spending intentions, and upcoming purchases big and small—from their next trip to the grocery store to upcoming vacations, next vehicle purchase, and more.
Now in its fourth year, ConsumerSignals provides a view into consumers’ everyday finances and the spending strategies being used to navigate an unpredictable world. We invite you to explore our interactive data dashboard, collection of proprietary consumer indices, and deep-dive articles.
Global financial well-being
The global financial well-being index increased to 103.3 in December, up from 102.6 last month, and up from 102.8 a year ago.
Financial well-being
Deloitte's financial well-being index (FWBI) captures changes in how consumers are feeling about their present-day financial health and future financial security. Unlike consumer confidence indices, which often focus on consumer opinion about economic conditions (e.g., health of the economy or labor market), the financial well-being index focuses on the consumer’s own financial experience, where they’re the experts.
Deloitte's financial well-being index (FWBI)
April 2020 = 100 (unless noted otherwise)
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How we measure financial well-being
Financial well-being is measured across six dimensions of financial health (details in the info button above).
Higher index values indicate stronger financial well-being.
The global index line represents an average of eight of the top 10 global economies by 2022 GDP according to World Bank.
Explore financial well-being
Delve into the metrics that comprise Deloitte’s FWBI and more
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Global inflation concern
Percentage of survey respondents concerned about rising prices for everyday purchases
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- 0
- 10
- 20
- 30
- 40
- 50
- 60
- 70
- 80
- 90
- 100
Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Source: Deloitte research, current survey wave.
Global inflation concern: A longitudinal view
Percentage of survey respondents concerned about rising prices for everyday purchases
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Source: Deloitte research from September 2021 to present.
Spending intent
Spending intentions represent the amount consumers estimate they’ll spend over the next four weeks.
Spending intentions index
Estimated monthly spending amount (% change) (Base = Avg Oct/Nov/Dec 2021)
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Methodology Note
Spending intentions are represented using a three-month exponential moving average (EMA). An exponential moving average (EMA) is a type of moving average that places more weight on recent data points, making it more responsive to recent price changes compared to a simple moving average (SMA). EMA is commonly used to smooth out data and help visualize long-term trends.
Non-discretionary categories were recategorized to include housing, transportation, groceries, and health care.
Source: Deloitte research from November 2021 to present.
Retail & consumer products
Insights on everyday purchases to splurges
Food frugality index (FFI)
Sept 2022 = 100
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
What is the FFI?
Everyone needs to eat, but food is becoming less affordable for some.
The FFI is a monthly proprietary measure of behaviors associated with financial stress at the grocery store—and how they may be shaping the way consumers shop for food.
Higher index values indicate consumers cite being more frugal.
Source: Deloitte research from September 2022 to present.
Price perceptions
Percentage of respondents that expect higher prices next month
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Methodology Note
From September 2021 to August 2022, respondents cited their perception of current prices compared to the prior month. Starting in September 2022, respondents cited their expectations of prices in the upcoming month.
Source: Deloitte research from September 2021 to present.
Splurge purchases
Insight into where consumers are splurging, how much they’re spending, and what’s driving it
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Methodology Note
Data shown represents the percentage of survey respondents who made their last splurge purchase in a particular category (rolling two months).
Source: Deloitte research from September 2022 to present.
Top three drivers of joy purchases
Among respondents who made a splurge purchase in the past month
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Travel & hospitality
A view into global leisure travel demand and how consumers are weighing planning decisions for upcoming trips
Year over year travel spending intentions
Indexed % change
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Methodology Note
Starting in September 2022, a split-sample approach was taken to control for agreement bias. Respondents were randomly shown a positive or negative version of each statement.
Source: Deloitte research from September 2022 to December 2022
Leisure travel intentions
Percentage that plan to engage in each travel segment for leisure travel within the next three months
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Source: Deloitte research from September 2021 to present.
Travel planning (net intent)
Which statements best describe how you’re thinking about your next leisure trip? (among survey respondents planning to travel for leisure within the next three months)
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Age: 22 — 30
Income: High
Methodology Note
Net intent represents the percentage of survey respondents that selected the more expensive trip option (top row) minus the less expensive trip option (bottom row).
Source: Deloitte research from September 2022 to present.
Exploring vehicle purchase intentions and key mobility behaviors
Vehicle purchase intent (VPI) index
October 2021 = 100
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Top three drivers of purchase intent
What is the main reason you will be acquiring a vehicle?
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Key behaviors impacting mobility
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Average daily driving distance
Expecting higher gas/fuel prices next month
Number of days per week people work from home
Electric vehicle purchase intent
What type of engine would you prefer in your next vehicle?
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Age: 22 – 30
Income: High
Continue the conversation
Consumers and the companies that serve them face a rapidly changing world, altering what, how, and where we buy products and services. Both consumers and businesses are buying into better products, services, and solutions to achieve their goals. The Deloitte Consumer Industry Center delivers insights to help automotive, consumer products, retail, transportation, hospitality, and services sector executives better understand their business environment, its direction, and the choices in front of them.
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