

Vehicle purchase intent (VPI) index

Explore the latest vehicle purchasing and demand trends

The Deloitte Vehicle Purchase Intent (VPI) Index is a monthly proprietary measure of forward vehicle demand intent calculated based on the percentage of US consumers that indicate they are planning to acquire a vehicle in the next six months. In addition to distilling the latest consumer sentiment data, each report provides contextual analysis of factors driving demand for vehicles.

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Access our current VPI Index

Our VPI Index is derived from Deloitte’s ConsumerSignals — an online panel survey fielded monthly across 24 countries. The Tracker provides consistent, high-quality data on consumer sentiment and behavior in automotive and other consumer products sectors. And the data is continually updated, allowing tracking of current trends, and providing insights around vehicle demand forecasting.

For additional context, the VPI Index incorporates data visualizations of several automotive industry trends, including retail gasoline prices and light vehicle sales forecasts. Each Index report also provides both positive and negative factors influencing automotive purchasing derived from qualitative analysis of industry trends.

VPI trending through each monthly edition covers several key consumer sentiment data points (such as concerns over making upcoming payments and delaying large purchases) as well as key behaviors impacting mobility (including average daily driving distance and days per week worked from home).

November 1, 2023

About Deloitte's ConsumerSignals

Originally launched in 2020 to understand the effects of the COVID crisis on consumer spending around the world, the ConsumerSignals provides reliable and nuanced insights into consumer behavior in more than 24 countries.

As pandemic concerns gradually begin to ease, consumers confront new challenges in the form of inflation and geopolitical uncertainty. For more than two years, the Tracker has explored shifting priorities, financial well-being, share-of-wallet spending intentions, and more. This exploration continues to prompt new questions, new data, and new insights.

Our research has evolved and been adapted to help assess consumer sentiment related to other timely issues, such as climate change. Where will consumers pay more for sustainable products? How are they responding to climate policy? We are also examining how people are adjusting their working habits in the post-COVID world, helping companies determine their employee strategies.

The Tracker’s survey methodology includes monthly waves targeting approximately 1,000 adults (18 years and older) in each of the 24 countries covered. The country-level approximate margin of error is +/–3%. Responses are weighted at the country level to mirror publicly available sources of age, gender, and income distribution.

The Tracker’s real-time, data-driven insights can be explored in two ways:

1) Our interactive dashboard allows you to customize your search on consumer sentiment and behavior by country, sector, spending intentions and more.
2) Our collection of consumer insights gives you ready access to thought leadership and deep analysis of consumer trends.

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