fingers on touch screen


Deloitte’s custom learning solutions examples

Custom learning experience design and development

Deloitte can help your organization develop and deploy customized, innovative web-based and mobile learning solutions that are scalable, flexible, and designed for the specific requirements of your business environment. Working with you to assess enabling technologies and emerging tools, we help you establish the optimal solutions. Our modules span seven different categories in order to meet your unique needs.


Animations draw attention because the movement is one of the main attributes of effective online learning that makes learner retain knowledge efficiently. Deloitte develops eye-catching animation based learnings that meet all types of learning needs.

Mobile Learning

Mobile learning is becoming a popular just-in-time instructional technology delivery method. Deloitte provides anytime/anywhere access to learning, information, and continuous performance support to the learners.


It is the age of bit- and byte-sized learning. Learners look for options that give them the liberty to learn on the go. Deloitte delivers content in nano-learning capsules that are engaging and provide rich learning experience.

Game-based Learning

Game based learning is emerging as a cultural phenomenon and supports in teaching complex concepts to an evolving workforce. Deloitte uses game techniques to deliver interactive learning experiences through mechanics such as scoring, levels of difficulty, awards, and competition.

Scenario-based Learning

Scenario based learning provides a live learning experience and that enables learners to relate to their day-to-day activities. Deloitte delivers highly engaging learner content through activities and interactive scenarios.