2024 Renewable Energy Seminar | Deloitte US has been saved


2023 Deloitte Renewable Energy Seminar retrospective
Read our summary recap of last year’s event, including detailed takeaways from the plenary sessions covering topics from green supply chains to unlocking clean hydrogen.


2024 renewable energy industry outlook
Tax credits, investments, and clean energy growth. There’s a lot to be optimistic for in the renewable energy industry this year. Explore five trends that could help accelerate growth in the longer term.


A ripe time for municipal gas and waste renewable natural gas partnerships
Strategic partnerships between public gas utilities and waste facilities could position renewable natural gas to play an important role in decarbonization and resiliency.


Elevating the role of energy storage on the electric grid
Energy storage is important for mitigating the variability of wind and solar resources and positioning them to serve as baseload generation. In fact, the time appears ripe for utilities to go “all in” on storage or potentially risk missing some of their decarbonization goals.