Advanced digital technologies can transform the ways military bases plan and execute their missions. Explore how one such smart base responds to a typhoon.
Senior research manager, Center for Government Insights | Deloitte Consulting LLP
Joe Mariani is a senior research manager with Deloitte’s Center for Government Insights. His research focuses on innovation and technology adoption for both national security organizations and commercial businesses. His previous work includes experience as a consultant to the defense and intelligence industries, high school science teacher, and Marine Corps intelligence officer.
Isaac Jenkins
Isaac Jenkins is an expert in technology and national security. His research focuses on technology and strategy in commercial, defense, national security, and development contexts. His experience includes defense industrial policy development, work as a defense consultant, conducting research with RAND and other leading think tanks, education, and international development.
Michael Stehn
Specialist Master | Deloitte Consulting LLP
Mike is a specialist master at Deloitte Consulting LLP's Federal Strategy and Operations practice. He brings almost 30 years of leadership and organizational management skills to the Department of Defense and intelligence community clients. Additionally, Mike is a retired army warrant officer and counterintelligence agent.
Dan Quasney
Senior Consultant | Deloitte Consulting LLP
Dan Quasney is a senior consultant in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Supply Chain Network Operations practice with a background in applied data science, data management, and technology strategy. He is particularly passionate about Smart Cities and Future of Mobility work, with the long-term goal of using data analytics and technology strategy to design more resilient, livable cities. In addition to his smart base work in the defense sector, Dan is also helping to develop broadband-enabled technology solutions for rural communities.
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