

The chief legal officer's role in transition to the workplace

Navigating the complexities and risks of workplace transition

Employers are confronting a myriad of decisions as the workforce—or at least some of it—transitions back to the workplace. The chief legal officer (CLO) has a key leadership role to play as the enterprise considers the decisions and risks related to workplace transition.

COVID-19 impact on legal departments

As employers continue to navigate work transition considerations, the CLO can play a key role in establishing the protocols that enable success. Explore three areas for CLOs to focus on during the transition back to the workplace.

The chief legal officer’s role in transition back to the workplace

Considerations for in-house counsel during the transition back to the workplace

Chief legal officer's role during transition to workplace communications

Whether employees remain virtual or return to the workplace, communication will be critically important to enterprise success. Having clear communication protocols and a regular cadence of communication can help to reassure employees that work policies, whether virtual or in-person, have been well-thought-out. Be sure communication channels allow for workers to quickly escalate concerns to management and, whenever possible, address concerns promptly.

It will also be important to rely on a strong network of peers and colleagues. Shari Fallek Coats, deputy general counsel, Deloitte LLP, says, “CLOs are having to step into areas of law and situations that they may not have navigated before. It is critical that they become comfortable not just with identifying issues, but in providing well-thought-out solutions, even on topics that may not be purely legal. To do this effectively, lean on your networks, your trusted community of peers, to get through this together. No one knows everything at this point, but allowing yourself to be a little vulnerable, and asking colleagues for their thoughts and advice, can help.”

As employers continue to navigate work transition considerations, the CLO can play a key role in establishing the protocols that enable success. For more insight into transition strategies and other insights to help you respond to the COVID-19 crisis, visit Epstein Becker Green’s Coronavirus Resource Center.

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Get in touch

Lori Lorenzo
Managing Director
Chief Legal Officer Program
+1 703 251 1080



David W. Garland
Chair, Labor and Employment Steering Committee
Epstein Becker Green

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