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COVID-19 5x5: Remote investigations

A five-minute read on internal investigation insights and actions

In the wake of COVID-19, organizations could see a rise in fraudulent or corrupt behavior, and standard in-person investigation methods may no longer be an option. Explore five actions organizations can take to adapt and strengthen their forensic investigations in a virtual environment.

COVID-19 remote investigation strategies

Beyond the physical and emotional tolls of COVID-19, the disruptions to business and changes to public policy, unfortunately, present a greater risk for fraudulent or corrupt behavior, which may result in an increased need for investigations. Adding to the complexity of the investigative process are social distancing requirements that make physical interactions challenging for the foreseeable future.

Explore strategies to help you productively continue or initiate internal investigations in the current environment.

5x5: Remote investigations

Looking for more COVID-19 insights?

Check out our collection of 5x5s for quick insights and actions to help you navigate the evolving situation.

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