Agile Internal Audit: Beyond Scrum


Data management trends in the financial services sector 

Why invest in offensive and defensive data capabilities?

The new data management trends in the financial services sector are inspiring financial institutions to refresh their data priorities and focus areas. Many are establishing and stabilizing their foundational data and analytics assets on the cloud—and they are increasingly investing in offensive and defensive data capabilities.

The evolving data landscape

Over the past few years, as data and technology have advanced, so have regulators’ expectations and market competition. New technologies, such as cloud, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), open application programming interfaces (APIs), and the like, are beginning to change financial institutions’ data supply chains, compelling data and technology leaders to contemplate massive modernization of tools and infrastructure. 

At the same time, regulators have become increasingly savvy. Driven by increasing data literacy and capabilities, regulators’ demand for data that is more granular, traceable, and collected more frequently in an organized way has begun to increase. Market competition has also heightened the need to innovate and invest in data assets. To compete with new fintech entrants, institutions are embarking on a redesign of traditional business models and value chains, anchored on modern platforms that amplify financial institutions’ data assets. 

The changing role of data leaders

The role of the chief information officer (CIO) and chief data officer (CDO) continues to evolve in line with changes to technological capabilities and the regulatory landscape. CIOs and CDOs are increasingly transitioning from being policy enforcers to also being operators as well as enablers. They now are being tasked with delivering data and data services for strategic business initiatives related to finance, customer experience, and digital. Financial institutions have been evolving their data operating models to make the most of their technology and data investments. 

Investments in defensive and offensive agendas

Emerging technology and the continued evolution of regulatory requirements have led the financial sector to refresh its data priorities and focus areas. As financial institutions establish and stabilize their foundational data and analytics assets on the cloud, they are investing in offensive and defensive data capabilities.

Download our report now to learn why and how organizations should invest in offensive and defensive data capabilities.



Lakshmanan (Bala) Balachander
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Cory Liepold
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Deepak Ramakrishnan
Deloitte & Touche LLP


Dinesh Patel
Managing Director
Deloitte & Touche LLP

Satish Iyengar
Managing Director
Deloitte & Touche LLP


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