Life at Deloitte

Family values

Myron Rankins on the importance of education and pursuing your passions

March 1, 2023

Myron Rankins grew up in East Cleveland, Ohio and was the first person in his family to attend college. He grew up with a large family support system that instilled in him the importance of education. His mother had his sister at the age of 16 and him at 21. She then made the decision to join the military in order to provide her children with better opportunities, and the military became her career and passion. In the meantime, Myron and his sister were raised by their grandparents. With the value of learning a constant reminder in his life by his mother, Myron chose to attend an international high school in Holland to receive an education that he felt would best prepare him for college.

While the high school Myron attended was able to prepare him for the educational aspect, the thought of being on a college campus was intimidating as he had no one from whom to seek guidance. While watching a movie once, he noticed students all had rollerblades, and while he had never skated, he purchased a pair because he figured that was what college students used to go to class. This proved not to be the case when he entered college, and it still makes him laugh, but he adapted quickly.

Myron played sports in college but attended primarily to receive a good education. Myron became a father while in college and considered joining the military to become a pilot. After passing the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test (AFOQT) and being selected as a navigator, not a pilot, he decided to attend graduate school instead and studied finance.

Finance was a calling for Myron from a young age, even though it came second to his aspiration of being a pilot. His grandfather always encouraged personal financial responsibility and was always pushing friends to make wise financial decisions. This inspired Myron and led him to pursue finance as a career path.

Upon completing graduate school, Myron accepted a position at a large professional services organization. However, he continued to hear about Deloitte and about how Deloitte is an organization that prioritizes learning and coaching and owning your career trajectory. He ended up applying, and joined Deloitte in December of 2010.

Serving as an Engagement Financial Advisor in Deloitte Services LP, Myron provides engagement management knowledge for project management teams by assisting with initiating and controlling organization and logistical aspects of projects. Myron leads teams with the philosophy of remaining agile, open to new and different opportunities, and a dedication to exceeding the expectations.

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Engagement Financial Advisory opportunities at Deloitte .

Myron Rankins. Top of page is Myron's mom at her US Air Force post in Europe.
Myron and his three sons.

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