Insider tips: Applying a laser-like focus to your job search

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Applying a laser-like focus to your job search

Recruiting tips

Don’t be anxious about looking for a new job as a seasoned professional; instead, focus on you and what you really want

The job search process can be difficult. However, the first step in finding a new job is often the toughest one – deciding what you want in a new position. A helpful way to kick start your efforts is by identifying your needs and what you want.

Taking a self-assessment and understanding what you want from a particular role and employer are some of the first things to focus on to optimize any job search. In addition to knowing yourself and what you want from an employer and position, it’s important to know what kind of positions are in the marketplace. Many of the roles that were in high demand a decade ago have evolved, so it’s good to know what potential jobs are out there to focus your time and energy in pursuing.

After you’ve carefully considered what you want from a job and have a good understanding of “what’s out there”, one of the next steps is to create your value proposition. If you are stumped on how to get started with this, here are some questions to help you:

  • What direct value did I provide my previous employers?
  • Can I clearly demonstrate what value I provided when asked to share my experience with previous employers?
  • What skills do I bring to a position or company?
  • What role(s) within a typical company could leverage my skill set?

Consider taking the time to analyze your career up to this point and see where you can more finely tailor your resume, as well as develop a solid pitch about why you are the leading candidate for the role.

An important piece of advice is to not apply for multiple positions at the same company instead compare your skills and experience to the company job descriptions to determine which role would be best suited for you, and apply for that position.

With some patience, persistence and follow-up for those roles through which you’ve applied, hopefully a new opportunity will be just around the corner.  


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Applying a laser-like focus to your job search
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