Tax Consultant

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Tax Consultant

Accelerate your growth and impact

Increasingly complex tax decisions can have a significant effect—positive or negative—on the future of our clients’ business. That's why at Deloitte Tax LLP (Deloitte Tax) we expect our professionals to do more than know the ins and outs of the tax code. You need to see potential tax issues from all angles.

Work you'll do

Deloitte Tax LLP provides the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with some of the world’s most complex consulting and compliance issues. No two days are the same as you help clients navigate the tax implication for various transactions a company undertakes. Our tax consultants have the perspective to help companies understand national, state and local and international tax structures and align the tax function with business objectives.

Our hiring profiles

What we look for

We’re looking for well-rounded, goal-oriented individuals who can interact with clients, so strong interpersonal and writing skills are essential. Given the nature of tax work, we look for people with the highest level of integrity.

  • Undergraduate degree in a quantitative or analytical discipline and/or Master's in Accounting or Taxation, Information Systems, Technology, Finance or Economics, or JD or LLM Degree     
  • Minimum 3.2 GPA preferred
  • Relevant work experience (e.g. internships, summer positions, school jobs)
  • Demonstrated leadership, problem-solving, and strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Superior analytical and quantitative problem-solving skills
  • Strongly preferred that Business/Accounting and JD/LLM candidates meet the CPA or Bar exam requirements prior to beginning full-time employment

Learn more

Careers in Tax

Learn how you can deliver the insights that help business leaders make confident decisions around strategic areas that tax impacts. 

Life at Deloitte blog

Discover Deloitte and read stories from our people about their experiences and first-hand accounts of our Deloitte culture.

Recruiting tips

Finding the right job and preparing for the recruitment process can be tricky. Check out tips from our Deloitte recruiting professionals to set yourself up for success.


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