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Google's Forrest Brazeal on gen AI and the tech talent gap

Part of the On Cloud Podcast series

Forrest Brazeal, Google's head of developer media, discusses the ongoing tech talent shortage, how to address it, and how companies can use gen AI to help new talent learn the process of software development.

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Google’s head of developer media discusses the tech talent shortage and how AI can help

In this episode, Forrest Brazeal, Google Cloud's head of developer media, talks with David Linthicum about why there’s an increasing talent shortage, how to address it, and how generative AI can be used as a tool to solve the problem. In Brazeal’s view, companies should use generative AI not to generate code that might not end up working, but to help new talent learn the process of software development on the job.


We’re going to need 40 million more cloud engineers in the industry by the end of this decade.

Forrest Brazeal is head of developer media at Google Cloud. He makes complex technical topics more accessible. His initiative, the Cloud Resume Challenge, has helped thousands of nontraditional learners build a career in tech.


Need cloud talent? Here's how to find it—and keep it

Many companies are hurting for tech talent. Companies can address it, but it will take education, culture change, and a new relationship between HR and business.

white grey shards

Generative AI is the future. Harness its power now.

Generative AI is here, it's powerful, and it's growing.  Now's the time to harness its amazing power


Cloud, in context

Cloud is more than technology. It’s about making cloud work for your business. Our hosts, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis, deliver their unique perspectives around the technology, business, and culture of cloud to help you achieve your cloud goals. Topics range from an enterprise-level, strategic look at cloud to practical information on the people, processes, and technology that can make cloud work better for your organization.

David is a top cloud influencer and author of 13 books plus thousands of articles on cloud. Mike is the author of two books, including the recently published Accelerating Cloud Adoption, and won the 2010 AWS Global Startup Challenge. They know cloud. Listen to the Deloitte On Cloud podcast to get the information you need to achieve your possible with cloud.

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