
Smart operations for energy, resources, and industrials

Enhance digital operations for a competitive advantage

The adoption of Industry 4.0 by energy, resources, and industrials (ER&I) companies has transformed competition in the sector. Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), cloud, artificial intelligence (AI), and analytics enable leading organizations to operate in smarter ways, unlocking growth and innovation. Explore how our Smart Operations offering can give you an edge throughout your transformation.

What are smart operations?

A smart-“er” operation uses digital capabilities to drive higher performance outcomes versus a baseline. Smart operations applies these capabilities at an enterprise scale.

This application of novel digital solutions has helped some organizations overcome their most persistent operations challenges and has unlocked new opportunities for growth and innovation for others. The coverage of these human + digital capabilities is also expanding into every aspect of the business, including factories, the salesforce, HR, IT, and more. 

This increased utilization of modern digital tech, such as IIoT, cloud, AI, and analytics, has fundamentally changed the way leading organizations operate in ever smarter ways—by blending together digital and human intelligence at increasing levels of scale, scope, and complexity.

Our goal at Deloitte is to be your partner of choice as you go through this journey. We believe we have the most robust offerings in the marketplace to assist you in this smart transformation.

The smart operations process



Establish a digital record

Capture information from the physical world to create a digital record of the physical operation and supply network.


Analyze and visualize

Machines “talk” to each other to share information, allowing for advanced analytics and visualizations of real-time data from multiple sources.


Generate action

Apply algorithms and automation to translate decisions and actions from the digital world into activity in the physical world.




Smart operations for your industry

Where—and how—do you start implementing smart operations? And if you’ve already started, how can you scale and accelerate your return on investment? We find it helpful to narrow the aperture and frame use cases around the most relevant solutions in the industry.


Why Deloitte?

We can help you evaluate, implement, and deploy digital operation solutions to designed to transform your systems, processes, and talent to maximize value.

Given today’s market dynamics, we believe ER&I companies that possess a great proportion of digital intelligence compared to their competition will hold a strategic advantage. These companies are leaner, more productive, and more responsive and provide better-quality products and services—all critical to winning in the market. Smart operations are critical to that success, and their importance is accelerating exponentially. Our team of industry veterans and our cross-industry offerings enable you to move beyond small-scale optimization and into all-encompassing transformation that can help solve your unique challenges.

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