Social commerce


Social commerce trends for platforms

5 things to know about the future of social commerce

Social commerce trends are redefining how consumers shop online by blending points of inspiration with points of purchase. This article—the first in our three-part series on the key players across the social commerce ecosystem—breaks down 5 key questions digital platforms should consider in order to succeed on their social commerce journey.

Social platforms have a key role to play in rapidly developing social commerce trends. As the forum that unifies brands, creators, and users, platforms hoping to engage in social commerce may face unique challenges, including lack of commerce experience, underdeveloped partner and creator strategies, and legacy operating models—all of which are essential to address on the road to becoming an effective social commerce platform. For the platforms that have already entered the social commerce space, there are still opportunities to enhance the experience for brands, creators, and consumers alike. Some platforms have started to enable social commerce by building in-app features and tools. These integrations have pushed brands to shift advertising spend to social media, prompting creators to produce content that boosts user engagement and impulse buying. This profitable ecosystem relies on social commerce platforms acting as the glue that holds the system together.

Platforms interested in kickstarting their evolution to a social commerce platform should form an understanding of how to answer five core questions.

Get in touch


Dennis Ortiz
Managing Director
Deloitte Consulting LLP


Marc Weiner
Customer Strategy & Applied Design practice
Deloitte Consulting LLP


Ashley Perkins
Customer Strategy & Applied Design practice
Deloitte Consulting LLP

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