

Want cloud success? It's in the strategy, not the tools

Part of the For Cloud Professionals podcast series

Many organizations are wowed by new cloud technologies and deploy them to solve specific issues. Instead of getting the magic bullet they hope for, sometimes they only add to their cloud complexity. However, one key to cloud success is a sound strategy that drives business value.

There is no magic bullet. Sound strategy drives cloud value

There are myriad issues and technologies floating around the cloud space: cloud security, 5G, Anthos, SRE, blockchain, Kubernetes, cloud complexity, and countless others. Each technology or design philosophy has its place in a sound architectural framework for cloud computing. In this episode of the podcast, David Linthicum and Mike Kavis sit down together to share their opinions and answer some podcast-listener FAQs about new technologies and cloud computing best practices. In a wide-ranging discussion, they cover both technological and philosophical issues, but they distill all the tech speak into one clear mandate: tools themselves can never be a panacea fix all problems an organization may have. Instead, organizations must plan wisely, remove complexity, and develop strategies that maximize the benefits of cloud computing and drive real business value.

Disclaimer: As referenced in this podcast, “Amazon” refers to AWS (Amazon Web Services) and “Google” refers to GCP (Google Cloud Platform).

The reality is we have to look at how we're solving problems with stuff, so we need to focus on that.

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Managing a multi-cloud environment: strategy is everything

Many organizations are moving to a multi-cloud environment, but cloud complexity is multiplied in the multi-cloud. Having a sound strategy for implementation, data, security, automation, and collaboration is essential to both initial and long-term success.

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Are you ready for the cloud?

Chances are, cloud computing is already part of your infrastructure, either SaaS or IaaS, at the very least. However, to fully embrace the cloud, you’ll need to do some prep work in terms of culture change and technological foundation. With those pieces in place, you can really accelerate your move to the cloud.

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Three Things that could Destroy Your Cloud Migration Project

Cloud deployments aren’t easy. No project sails smoothly, without rough waters. But three things: lack of resources, lack of objectiveness, and lack of talent, can sink your project long before it has a chance to prove its worth.

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