Boze Galesic  - AI Warriors


For Boze Galesic, working with data is all about telling a story that highlights different perspectives and opportunities.    

Deloitte AI Institute is proud to introduce a series profiling AI warriors who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the search for new and innovative uses of AI.

Can you share the most interesting part of your career journey?

The most interesting part of my career is definitely the people I have met. It is fascinating to see how people who come from different backgrounds approach the same problem to find a solution together.

Building data-driven solutions requires you to bring different disciplines and different minds together. 

Once, I told my colleagues about a cake we tried to bake at home, which ended up being a complete fail. While one of my colleagues, who is a chemist, presumed it could have been due to high temperatures, my other colleague, who is a computer scientist, tried to dissect the baking process into a sequence of individual tasks to conclude where it all went wrong.

Building data-driven solutions requires you to bring different disciplines and different minds together. Working in such an environment is interesting as it let's you see the world from different perspectives, as well as learn at a much faster pace.

What excites you most about working with data and AI?

To me, working with data is all about telling stories. If you like traveling, for example, data can tell you different stories about your travel destination and help you plan your next trip.

You can leverage climate data, demographic data, topographic data, which will eventually translate into different stories about the cuisine, culture, and landscape of your destination.

To me, working with data is all about telling stories.

These stories will help you to come up with a travel plan that works best for you. AI utilizes technology to bring various data together and helps you connect the dots faster. It is exciting to see how data comes to life to tell all these stories.

Describe an interesting project that you have worked on.

We did a project for a client who focuses on mitigating risks and providing stability to our financial system.

The client works with top-notch researchers on how to best achieve their goals. However, as these researchers worked on different topics and in different departments, it was sometimes difficult to combine their research and leverage it throughout the organization.

Our team developed a solution to categorize this research into specific buckets, which helped direct it to relevant stakeholders and reduce manual efforts significantly.


AI warriors

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