
Life at Deloitte

Lindsey Berckman on the importance of being curious, brave, and bold

Deloitte is proud to introduce the next profile in our series of women in the manufacturing industry. By highlighting the stories of women in manufacturing, we hope to help facilitate meaningful conversations, create connections, and showcase the myriad of opportunities available to enter and thrive in the manufacturing industry.

Lindsey Berckman is a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP, leading the US Aerospace & Defense (A&D) practice. She is also a Smart Manufacturing leader in Deloitte’s industrial manufacturing sector, specializing in talent development, complex supply chain and manufacturing challenges, digital transformation, product innovation, portfolio design, smart factory, and smart operations transformations. With her more than 17 years of experience, she is known for her problem-solving skills in which she collaborates with companies to help drive transformation solutions.

A journey of perseverance and growth

Lindsey joined Deloitte in 2007 as an analyst after graduating with a systems engineering degree, where she focused on manufacturing systems. Her first project happened to be with a leading A&D client. Her love for the people she worked with and her passion for the products the clients create has kept her anchored in this industry. She has since dedicated the majority of her time to the A&D sector, with occasional work in the automotive and industrial sectors as well. Her journey from an analyst to a principal at Deloitte has been filled with diverse experiences that contributed to her career growth.

Early in her career, Lindsey was asked to take on a coding role for SAP, where she focused on programming the interfaces to and from radio-frequency identification (RFID) stations on the shop floor. This experience ignited her interest in shop floor operations to the highest degree. As she climbed the managerial ladder, her curiosity led her to dive deeper into how to optimize organizations’ operating systems. She began by analyzing data, focusing on variations in work execution and performance. Her efforts resulted in the creation of analytical solutions to assist companies in making strategic decisions about their operations, and eventually prompted her to drive Industry 4.0 solutions across her client portfolio.

Lindsey takes inspiration from her mother, who is a social worker with a strong work ethic and a passion to help people. She also credits her success to her mentors and other leaders at Deloitte, who challenge her to think differently.

That moment when we’ve accomplished something—we’ve delivered it, and what that means for the client, and when we can celebrate together. Those are some of the most powerful moments.

Lindsey believes in team success. One of the most rewarding moments for her is the thrill of accomplishing something impactful. Her curiosity for new challenges, the creativity of solving something new, and the level of collaboration in her job are her main motivators.

Lindsey Berckman
Deloitte Consulting LLP

Being a woman in manufacturing

Lindsey is passionate about attracting and retaining premier talent within the Energy, Resources, and Industrials (ER&I) practice.

Lindsey highlights important roles women have in the manufacturing industry, including chief technology positions, engineering, and operations roles. She stressed the importance of diversity of backgrounds as it can help lead to a variety of ideas, broader perspectives, and, ultimately, better outcomes. She emphasizes the importance of investing in early education, particularly in encouraging a diverse range of young people who are interested in pursuing STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) careers.

For those entering or already working in the manufacturing industry, Lindsey advises professionals to be curious, bold, and open to new ideas.

You should be open to whatever the opportunity is and what you can learn from it. Even if it’s not perfect, it is a jumping-off point for the next thing you want to do.

When asked if she’s ever been the only woman in a meeting, she recalls an instance where she was presenting to an all-male board of executives. Despite being the main presenter, the initial questions were directed toward her male colleague. He immediately directed them toward her, and she answered with detailed content and context, thereby shifting the others’ perception of her role. She encourages professionals not to shy away from stepping into learning opportunities and leadership roles, as they can make vast impacts and serve as role models for future generations.

Guiding philosophy to manage professional and personal life

Lindsey’s professional philosophy is encapsulated by the phrase “work hard, play hard.” For her, achieving balance involves understanding and maximizing her most productive hours, and then completely disconnecting to recharge and engage in her hobbies such as skiing, hiking, scuba diving, and running.

On a personal front, Lindsey grew up with parents who loved skiing and the great outdoors. So far, she has explored 44 states and 69 countries, and she intends to visit at least five new countries every year. She aims to continuously expand her horizons and satisfy her love for exploration and adventure.

Lindsay Berckman: The lightning round

Describing herself in three words: Passionate, energetic, and driven

Favorite food or drink: pizza

Favorite places to travel: South Africa, Argentina, and Portugal

One thing on her bucket list: Travel to (almost) all 195 UN-recognized countries

Women in Manufacturing

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