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CFO SignalsTM: 2017 Q2
Growing concerns about political and policy uncertainty, but optimism remains
Despite rising concerns about political and policy uncertainty, CFOs’ remain highly optimistic regarding economic growth and their companies’ prospects. Year-over-year expectations for revenue, earnings, capital spending, and domestic hiring are all above their two-year averages.
Highlights from the 2017 Q2 results
- Executive summary and high-level report
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Read the report and executive summary
When CFOs responded to last quarter's survey, the new US administration had just taken over and had issued several executive orders supporting key campaign promises. Meanwhile, the new Congress had begun to set its legislative agenda, and the global economy had shown continued signs of strength.
This post–election period appeared to have left CFOs very optimistic—with the 1Q17 survey registering the sharpest uptick in sentiment in its seven–year history, and with several key growth metrics showing considerable strength.
Since then, there have been starts, stops, and redirections in some key policy areas, and there have been preliminary movements on income taxes, trade, and foreign policy. And, despite worrisome geopolitical developments in North Korea and Syria, the global economy has continued to strengthen.
Download the report to read the details or the executive summary to view the highlights.
2017 Q2 North American CFO Signals™ highlights
About Deloitte LLP's CFO Signals™ Survey
CFO Signals™ is about CFO issues. This quarterly survey tracks the thinking and actions of leading CFOs–representing North America’s largest and most influential companies–across four predominant areas: Business environment, company priorities and expectations, finance priorities, personal priorities. Learn more about Deloitte's CFO Signals™ Survey.
CFO Signals™: Quarterly CFO survey
What CFOs are thinking—and doing