Agile Internal Audit: Scrum Framework


Leading internal audit - the Agile way

What leaders should consider as they embark on the transformation journey

Internal audit leaders can be Agile by embracing change and adapting quickly in uncertain times, but shifting to an Agile mindset requires an environment safe for learning. Explore the various aspects that play a significant role in the evolving relationship between effective leadership and the successful implementation of Agile methods.


Creating Agile internal audit teams: Success stories

Final thoughts on leadership

Leadership is often the number one reason why Agile transformations fail and is also the number one reason why Agile transformations succeed. Vision, alignment, and an environment for learning and adaptation are scarce without the intentional actions of leaders. As Gandhi said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Leading by example is one of the most powerful things you can do to make a lasting, positive impact within your IA organization.

Next in the series: Evolutionary leadership

In case you missed the earlier reports from this series, take a moment to explore the insights now:

Infusing Agile in Internal Audit
Why mindset takes priority over process

Embracing an Agile audit methodology for enhanced efficiency
Unlocking transformation through the Scrum Framework


Jeff Lewis
Advisory Manager
Agile Internal Audit
Deloitte & Touche LLP

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