The ecosystem imperative


The ecosystem imperative

Looking at the impact of ecosystems across the financial services industry

The digital transformation of financial services organizations has led to a deeper sense of collaboration, competition, and innovation across sectors. As these businesses continue to connect and transform, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) and Deloitte have been working with both public and private institutions to gain a better understanding of where these developing ecosystems fit into the industry. Explore the findings in two reports that cover the move from open banking to open data, as well as the rising importance of embedded finance.

Digital transformation of financial services and moving from Open Banking to Open Data

In this report from the IIF and Deloitte we look at the impact of data policies and the importance of broadening the scope from Open Banking to Open Data, not just Open Finance. We explore how different data-sharing frameworks function as ecosystems with the potential to achieve goals for policymakers and market participants alike. 

Digital transformation of financial services and moving from Open Banking to Open Data

Embedded finance: customer relationships and value web dynamics

Embedded finance is becoming an important strategic consideration for financial institutions (FIs). For this second report, we interviewed financial experts asking them a number of relevant questions for practitioners, policymakers, and consumers, including: What is embedded finance? Why has embedded finance flourished? How is it manifesting? And, where is the embedded finance trend headed?

Embedded finance: customer relationships and value web dynamics
Stay tuned for the final two reports in the ecosystem imperative series, launching later this year.

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