

Fast facts: A picture of health care insights

Data and trends to help reshape health care

What trends are gaining momentum across the health care industry? What are the latest statistics on patient care or workforce operations? Our fast facts series answers these questions and more by featuring quick hits of health care and pharma insights pulled from the Deloitte Center for Health Solutions’ original, rigorous research. Visualize the trends and data—and understand how they could make an impact in your business. Because better health care starts with better insight.

Your dose of data from our health care industry research reports

By exploring data and learning more about the current state of life sciences and health care, we hope your organization can begin to identify solutions, catalyze action, and create systemic change.


Digital transformation

About 70% of Gen Zers, Gen Xers, and millennials would consider using virtual visits for their mental health needs.

Industry trends

Nearly half (46%) of consumers with very good/reliable internet access had virtual health visits in the last 12 months, compared to 31% of consumers with very poor/unreliable internet service who did.

Care experience

There was a 25% increase in the use of virtual visits from 2018 to 2022.




Workforce and operations

More than half (53%) of front-line clinicians say that flexible shift options could help address burnout.

Inclusion and sustainability

87% of surveyed community health centers are either currently conducting research or are interested in conducting research. Additionally, 42% are already conducting research today, and 45% are interested in conducting research.





Get in touch

Have any questions about the data, trends, or opportunities coming out of the life sciences and health care industry? If you'd like to talk more about what you've read and how your organization can succeed, let's set up a conversation.

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