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M&A Trends Survey: The future of M&A

Deal trends in a changing world

M&A executives are sending clear and strong signals that dealmaking—particularly alternatives to “traditional” M&A—will be an important lever as businesses recover and thrive in the post-COVID economy. Deloitte’s 2020 M&A Trends Survey polled 1,000 executives at US corporations and private equity investor (PEI) firms to assess current and future M&A plans: Well over half of these US dealmakers (61%) expect M&A activity to return to pre-COVID-19 levels within the next 12 months.

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About the survey

Between August 19 and September 1, 2020, a Deloitte survey conducted by OnResearch, a market research firm, polled 1,000 US executives—750 at US-headquartered corporations and 250 at US-based private equity firms—to assess current and future M&A plans given uncertainty caused by COVID-19 and current economic conditions. Download the PDF for full response options and question details including which questions were single-select and which included multiple response options.

All participants in the survey work either for private or public companies with revenues in excess of $10 million or private equity firms. The participants hold senior ranks (at least director level). Forty-one percent of all respondents sit in the C-suite. All respondents are involved in M&A activity.

Respondents represent a variety of industries: technology, consumer, energy, financial services, life sciences, and health care, among others. More than half of the corporate respondents (57%) work for privately held companies. Twenty-nine percent work at companies with more than $1 billion in revenue, and 17%work in companies with less than $250 million in revenue.

The private equity respondents come from a variety of funds. More than one-third (36%) of respondents work at funds with more than $3 billion in assets. Only 8% work at funds with less than half a billion dollars to invest.

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PR contactLauren Dolezal
Senior Manager | Deloitte Services LP


Additional resources

M&A and COVID-19: Charting new horizons

As companies embark on the path to recovery, M&A is poised to have an outsized influence in shaping the “next normal.” But in the aftermath of COVID-19, it is inevitable that deal making will materially change to reflect the new priorities of a post-crisis world.

Strategic M&A Dbrief | The future of M&A: Deal trends in a changing world

Uncertainty caused by COVID-19, as well as the current economic and political landscape, has created a volatile M&A environment in 2020. What do corporate and private equity dealmakers expect going forward? Participants will see results of a recent Deloitte M&A survey and gain insights that can help inform their strategic M&A priorities.




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