
5 ways GenAI can elevate the value of your M&A clean room

Reimagining clean room analytics as a strategic differentiator

Generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has garnered attention for the countless potential opportunities to derive insights from complex, unstructured datasets and create new outputs at unprecedented speeds. We see five pivotal ways it can revolutionize M&A clean room analytics that will enable organizational outperformance.

GenAI's M&A data potential

In complex M&A transactions, businesses are racing to make better decisions at a faster pace. Often in an M&A deal, clean rooms are utilized to share competitively sensitive data across parties, often to enable pre-close analysis of critical business information, such as sales or customer-related performance. Thousands of datasets and artifacts may go through M&A clean room processing and analysis, each requiring review to adhere to legal guidelines. This is a time- and resource-intensive effort extending over weeks, and even months, that can bottleneck key decisions.

Due to these complexities, organizations often miss opportunities to pressure-test assumptions from pre-deal diligence and develop additional insights to drive integration strategy, refine revenue synergy opportunities, and prepare to accelerate activities after Legal Day 1 (LD1) closing. However, recent advances in GenAI can improve organizations’ ability to accelerate and deepen clean room analytics by improving data quality, automating task workflows, and—most importantly—surfacing new insights from complex data at the scale required in large-deal M&A. This allows individuals to spend more time on high-value, better-informed decision-making and pre-close planning, accelerating financial value capture.

An intelligent clean room assistant: How GenAI could transform pre-close M&A

5 ways GenAI can supercharge clean room analytics

Dive deeper into each of these potential GenAI M&A benefits here

Maximizing the value of M&A clean rooms

The implications for GenAI for M&A are immense and, if utilized properly, will not only help improve the data quality (e.g., data accuracy, completeness, validity, consistency) in clean rooms but also reduce cost through automation and deepen growth-enabling strategic insights. Combined with human experience and expertise, and related tech-enabled M&A tools, GenAI can change M&A clean rooms from being a necessary burden of the pre-close M&A environment to becoming a strategic differentiator that ultimately allows organizations to outperform through M&A, shortening the speed-to-value, reducing integration costs, and increasing revenue growth.

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