Location Strategy Services


Location Strategy

Location and footprint matters

An informed location strategy is a critical component of a company’s overall business strategy. Location decisions are long-term and involve significant financial commitment and risk. When operations are optimally located, a company can maximize its potential.

Strategic moves

Geography is a key driver of corporate performance. Yet many organizations maintain inefficient real estate footprints or make suboptimal location decisions that hamper talent attraction and retention, increase operating costs, reduce operating flexibility, intensify risk exposure, and depress shareholder value.

By associating footprint decisions with real estate transactions, companies miss the opportunity to optimize their operating performance across all corporate functions. Conducting a comprehensive location evaluation enables companies to implement an enterprise-wide strategy that maximizes value through reduced operating costs, improved government incentives, an enhanced operating environment, effective operational footprint, access to talent, reduced risk, and faster implementation.


Location Strategy services

Deloitte’s Location Strategy practice is built upon an over 100-year-old legacy of helping companies address some of their most complex and challenging location and real estate footprint issues. We are objective location advisers—not brokers seeking to gain from a real estate transaction.

We are experienced in guiding office and industrial deployments from small to large, including multibillion-dollar investments, and stay firmly focused on our clients’ priorities while developing and executing location strategies that add value and mitigate risk. Our team has worked in more than 80 countries, with many of our practitioners speaking multiple languages, and has expertise across all industries and asset types (manufacturing, headquarters, shared services/back office, call/contact centers, distribution/warehouse, R&D, data centers, etc.). Our practice leaders also serve as members in leading industry organizations such as the Site Selectors Guild and hold industry-recognized credentials.

Explore articles on Real Estate & Location Strategy topics.

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Stay ahead with these articles from Deloitte’s Location Strategy leaders, via Chief Executive magazine:

Get in touch

Darin Buelow

Darin Buelow

Global Location Strategy Leader

Darin is a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP and leader of Global Location Strategy. In more than 20 years of experience he has guided hundreds of major corporations with the deployment of talent... More

Matt Highfield

Matt Highfield

Managing Director | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Matt is a managing director in the Real Estate & Location Strategy (RE&LS) market offering within Deloitte Consulting LLP and is our Location Strategy capability leader. In his over 20 year consulting... More