

CentralSight™: Supply Chain Analytics Tool

Supplier risks, illuminated

Supply chains span across the globe, and as a result, introduce new layers of geopolitical complexity and risk. CentralSight™ enables supply chain visibility, identifying risks before they affect integrity.

Supplier risk revealed, 12 tiers deep

Using CentralSight™, Deloitte helps clients visualize their complex supply chains and prevent supply chain disruptions before they occur—saving money, protecting brand, and radically increasing supply chain integrity and security. This helps solve what is fundamentally the most challenging problem in supply chain risk management: the ability to visualize a 12-tiers-deep, thousands-of-companies-large, geographically disaggregated, and functionally specialized supplier ecosystem in a time-sensitive, cost-effective manner. It is then, and only then, when we can identify risks critical to cost, schedule, performance, security, and resiliency and create decision space to provide our executives time to address those risks before they manifest as problems within business operations or national security.


Approximately 25 percent of the supply-side disruptions occur at Tier 2+, which makes it critical to understand and illuminate risks well in advance, providing enough decision space for mitigation actions.

The challenge

Organizations lack visibility into the multiple tiers of their supply chain.

Risk mitigation
Inaccurate risk mitigation and unknown supplier relationships pose unintended threats to an organization.

National security
Nation-state adversaries and near-peer competitors can co-opt or cripple critical infrastructure and acquire intellectual property.

With clarity comes a clear path forward

  • Build a more resilient supply chain
  • Choose alternative suppliers to reduce risk
  • Reduce foreign dependencies
  • Meet mission readiness requirements
  • Make informed decisions with speed and accuracy
  • Proactively address real-time risk in light of a particular event
Supply chain in government: Enhancing supplier networks to ensure performance, resilience, and security

The minds behind the mitigations

We’ve spent more than a decade harnessing our analytic technique. Since 2007, CentralSight™ has been supporting clients across the federal and commercial sectors, both at home and abroad.

We autonomously illuminate global supplier networks invisible to the very original equipment manufacturers (OEM) they support. Our automated, artificial intelligence–driven platform utilizes advanced analytic techniques to uncover and illuminate multitiered, geographically disaggregated supplier networks in hours and days. CentralSight™ does this via unsupervised and supervised machine learning, social media exploitation, deep web diligence, and curated subscription proprietary diligence databases.

We focus on the inevitable byproducts of the millions of transactions supplier networks generate with each other and with adjacent industries.


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