
Deloitte's Child Support Solutions Practice

Improving service delivery for child support agencies

We understand the complexities that child support agencies face amid a rapidly changing child support regulatory environment as you aim to serve children and families that depend on support payments. Today, state child support agencies are confronted with an increase of caseloads along with a decline in experienced caseworkers, reduced funding and aging technology infrastructure. This is why it is time to usher child support solutions into the next generation, starting with transformative services and innovative programs.

How Deloitte can help: modernizing technology in states and agencies to help drive results in child support programs

For the past 30 years, we have designed, developed, implemented, and maintained a number of large-scale, federally certified child support systems, teaming effectively with numerous child support agencies to implement effective child support solutions including new systems, enhance existing systems, and introduce innovative changes in the areas of people, process, and technology.

Modernizing technology is one change that will help drive results in child support programs, but it is also important to add capabilities where they matter most. This means using data in a way that sets the stage for intelligent child support case management. We work with state child support agencies to help caseworkers look deeper into the data they have so they are:

  • Empowered to make smarter decisions for children and families at the point of impact, at a moment’s notice, using data-driven insights.
  • Informed of all the child support cases on their list, knowing exactly in which cases their intervention will yield the most impact for the families they serve.
  • Enabled to do more with a finite amount of time—driving a new level of productivity.

Look ahead to the next generation of child support

We invite you to read our report from the Deloitte Center for Government Insights to learn what’s behind the need for change in child support enforcement, and recommendations for how to reform child support programs to help better serve today’s families, organizations, and society.

Next gen child support—Improving outcomes for families

Learn how Deloitte’s child support solutions helped make a difference in the lives of children and families in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Get in touch

Savita Raghunathan

Savita Raghunathan

Principal | Government & Public Services

Savita, a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP has more than 15 years of experience in large-scale custom application development as well as utilizing emerging technologies to enable large state hea... More

Margot Bean

Margot Bean

Managing Director | Child Support Enforcement

Margot is a managing director in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Public Sector practice. In this role, she leads Deloitte’s Child Support eminence activities and uses her child support program experience at... More

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