

Annual Cyber Threat Trends report: Insights, emerging threats, and their potential impact

Prepare your organization’s cybersecurity for the likely threats to come

As cyberattacks become more sophisticated, our Annual Cyber Threat Trends report illuminates some common threat vectors and provides profiles on the top hacking groups you may come across.

Few events can undermine the faith of customers, investors, and regulators more than a data breach or a shutdown of digital operations. Cybersecurity is a critical—and growing—priority for everyone. Its importance is reflected in our report, where we saw a few trends emerge:

  • Ransomware affected 66% of organizations in 2023.
  • Abuse of valid credentials accounted for 44.7% of data breaches.
  • There was a 400% increase in IoT malware attacks across various industries, with the manufacturing industry being the most targeted sector globally.

Managing cyber risk has never been more challenging. This Cyber Threat Trends report can provide CISOs, CIOs, CEOs, and board members insights to help them align their cybersecurity operations with the threats to come.

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