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Pallium™: A Program Integrity Solution

Enabling a strategic, actionable, and measurable approach to managing fraud, waste, abuse, and improper payments

With fraudsters continually evolving and applying more sophisticated approaches to exploit program vulnerabilities, organizations must find alternative ways to proactively detect and prevent fraud, waste, abuse, errors, and mismanagement (FWA) effectively.

Redefine your approach to FWA

Adopting a technology-enabled, end-to-end solution for FWA prevention and recovery—one that's focused on preemptive detection and mitigation—can help organizations reduce improper payments, strengthen internal controls, improve the rate of recoveries, reduce errors, identify emerging trends and patterns, and enhance regulatory compliance. An advanced solution should incorporate modern, scalable technologies that enable artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) along with descriptive and prescriptive analytic techniques to automate and streamline investigative and audit review processes.

Organizations can also benefit from a solution that:

  • Prioritizes high quality/high confidence cases to deliver actionable and measurable outcomes
  • Proactively identifies opportunities to enhance controls and drive cost avoidance
  • Drives down operational and investigative costs through enhanced workflows and business processes
  • Provides analytic insights to enable strategic program decisions

That’s where Deloitte can help.

Simply put, Pallium is helping organizations change the way they manage FWA. As a part of our CortexAI™ for Government (CfG) Program Trust & Integrity solution, Pallium leverages our distinct Managed Services operating platform and delivery model. Our solution is strengthened by the global scale of our FWA prevention, risk management, and internal controls knowledge and experience.

This deep knowledge is infused in each aspect of Pallium, from a library of industry-benchmarked analytic models to a robust case management tool that drives leading practices throughout the investigative process. Our industry specialists continually evolve Pallium, refining our analytic library and the audit and investigative capabilities to keep them relevant, impactful, and easily tailorable to client-specific profiles.

The bottom line? Pallium helps organizations fortify their FWA prevention and recovery initiatives with high levels of operational and system integration, data integrity, scalability, and performance.

Key features of Pallium

  1. Pallium’s library of FWA models is continually curated and enhanced by our experienced team, blending investigative, data science, and industry experiences to keep our algorithms relevant, impactful, and easily tailorable to client-specific profiles.
  2. Pallium’s advanced risk scoring engine helps organizations move away from traditional, single risk-focused approach to a more mature multi-dimensional risk view that enables the detection of more sophisticated and higher priority FWA risks.
  3. Pallium’s investigative case management module can enhance investigative and audit teams, helping organizations work more effectively and efficiently.
  4. Pallium’s exploratory reporting engine incorporates industry leading capabilities to help organizations increase program transparency and empower users to gain valuable insights from source, third-party, and analytic data.

Pallium™ is Software-as-a-Service and allows us to bring advanced capabilities along with skilled and experienced professionals who are there throughout the entire journey to:

  • Continuously improve analysis of FWA through ongoing monitoring, both pre-and post-payment, by proactively detecting non-compliant or potentially fraudulent behavior
  • Generate nudges and soft notices to help deter continued fraudulent behavior, typically in one of three areas:
    • Significant outliers
    • Emerging trend
    • Policy violation
  • Reduce costs to recovery while increasing recovery rates via targeted, high return on investment investigations and audits
  • Identify new or improved compliance rules that help automate pre-payment checks or focus in on quick hit post-payment interventions, using analytic results to support policy recommendations or identify mitigation strategies for known loopholes
  • Detect potential unknown fraud risks more quickly and thoroughly through our specialists and ML, which can highlight and assist organizations to identify and address outliers and anomalies
  • Implement enhanced workflows to drive business process efficiencies and help improve the quality of investigations, audits, and reviews

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Contact us to learn more about how Pallium™ can help you more effectively combat and prevent fraud, waste, and abuse.

Is your organization a good candidate for Pallium?

​A few questions to consider:
  • Do you have an understanding of the financial impact to your company/organization from unresolved FWA?
  • How effective is your organization's current FWA approach? What are your most critical FWA challenges?
  • How quickly and thoroughly are you able to identify potential unknown fraud risks in the FWA process?
  • How well does your current FWA approach support resource requirements relating to investigators, inspectors, auditors, and prosecutors? How are you currently managing any resource limitations?
  • How well are you prepared organizationally to support future mandates, regulations, and emerging technologies?


Darin Srivisal
Pallium™ Lead

Lauren A. Allen
Managing Director


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