Carry Plan Administration Platform & Employee Compensation Portal I Deloitte US


Cascade Suite: Carry and co-invest management and portal

Streamlined administration and richer engagement with your employees

Transform and automate the administration of compensation, carried interest, co-investment, and other discretionary rewards. Provide your employees up-to-date and complete views of their wealth through compelling dashboards. Our complete compensation administration solution and participant portal helps your people better understand the value of their reward, while freeing up management to focus on the decisions that matter.


Key benefits



Manage communications and engage employees

Provides employees a comprehensive view on total compensation; carry/co-invest/award growth and vesting; and long-term wealth creation on an engaging portal. If desired, it can allow for scenario modeling by participants based on certain pre-defined assumptions.


Save time and reduce costs

A “one-stop shop” for your employees and administrators alike. High degrees of automation, data exchanges, and scalable workflows reduce personnel costs and effort. Data can be accessed, and documents / reports can be produced quickly, anytime and at scale.


Adds transparency and controls

Equips carry and compensation administrators with a central cloud-based repository for carry- and-reward history and data, change approval, tracking and locking features, calculation detail, and inbuilt reports. Access is role-based and restricted, and your data is encrypted.


Tailored to your needs

Our professionals have decades of experience in carry and reward and helping clients design, implement, and leveraging technology to administer carry plans that help clients achieve their compensation strategy. Our platform is configured to align with clients’ goals and program, including the employee portal, emails, dashboards/reports, statements, data, and calculations.




Efficient administration

  • Carry, co-invest (including leverage), shares, and unit plans
  • Employee onboarding and award letter generation
  • Vesting schedules
  • Joiners / dilution events, forfeitures, and leavers
  • Hurdles and waterfalls (including deal by deal)
  • Capital calls and distribution notices


Employee experience

  • Single medium for dashboards, documents, and notifications
  • Integrates carry, co-invest, and full compensation information
  • Mobile and tablet friendly
  • Integrates documents from other sources (including tax statements and HR notifications)
  • DocuSign for document execution



  • Administrator reporting and analytics with drill-down capabilities
  • Clearly demonstrates current, past, and potential future total compensation for employees to track growth and progress


Security and automation

  • Private and protected by multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Secured and encrypted
  • Role-based access limitations
  • Interfaces with HR, fund, and tax systems to simplify integration and automate data flows

Get in touch to learn more about Cascade Suite as a license implementation or as a managed service. We are happy to answer your questions and provide a demo.

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Sid Jain
Senior Manager | Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP
+1 212 436 6181

Jason Johnson
Managing Director | Deloitte Risk & Financial Advisory
Deloitte & Touche LLP
+1 303 294 4228