Tax News & Views


Tax News & Views

Capitol Hill briefing

Tax News & Views, published by the Deloitte Tax LLP Tax Policy Group in Washington, DC, provides a compact, reader-friendly perspective on the latest tax developments coming out of Congress affecting businesses and high-wealth individuals.

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July 26, 2024

No apparent signs of life for Smith-Wyden tax bill as Senate lurches toward August recess
The Senate wrapped up another week without holding a floor vote on bipartisan tax legislation crafted by House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Ron Wyden that would, among other things, provide temporary tax relief to businesses and short-term enhancements to the child tax credit—and with lawmakers set to adjourn in just a matter of days for an extended summer recess, and with appropriations work expected to dominate the agenda once the legislative session resumes in September, prospects that the chamber will vote on the long-stalled bill before the November elections appear to be dwindling.

House departs DC for summer recess, leaving FY 2025 appropriations in limbo
The House cut its July work period short by one week and announced it would adjourn until September 9 after it became clear that the chamber’s efforts to advance fiscal year 2025 appropriations bills—including the one funding the Treasury Department and the IRS—had run aground due to internal GOP divisions and staunch Democratic opposition; meanwhile, Senate appropriators indicated that they would take up the measure providing IRS funding on August 1, and a group of Senate taxwriters issued a letter requesting a significant cut to US discretionary funding for the OECD to express their disapproval of that organization’s role in advancing a global overhaul of corporate tax rules.

Senate confirms one Tax Court judge, Finance Committee advances three more nominees
The Tax Court came closer to having a full bench as the Senate confirmed one new judge to a 15-year term and queued up a floor vote on a second nominee, while the Finance Committee sent another three nominees to the chamber for consideration.

Treasury and IRS release final rules on the calculation of gain or loss on digital assets
A new alert from Deloitte Tax LLP looks at final regulations addressing the calculation of gain or loss in digital asset transactions under sections 1001 and 1012.

Menendez to resign from Senate, creating Democratic Finance Committee vacancy
Democratic Senate Finance Committee member Robert Menendez of New Jersey announced that he will resign from Congress on August 20 in the wake of his recent conviction on federal bribery and corruption charges.

Finance Committee to hold hearing on economic development tax incentives
The Senate Finance Committee announced that it will hold a hearing on July 30 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss “tax tools for local economic development.”


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July 12, 2024
House taxwriters OK measures to rescind EV credit regs, penalize universities, expand section 529 plans

June 28, 2024
No new tax policy insights from first presidential debate

June 21, 2024
CBO ramps up deficit projections in latest budget and economic outlook

June 14, 2024
House appropriators OK pared-down FY 2025 IRS budget proposal without further mandatory funding rescissions

June 7, 2024
House Appropriations panel OKs $2.2 billion IRS budget cut for FY 2025

May 24, 2024
House passes tax package offering relief to disaster victims, but Wyden vows to block quick Senate action

May 17, 2024
Five-year FAA reauthorization—with no amendments—heads to the White House

May 10, 2024
Senate passes five-year FAA reauthorization measure; House expected to follow suit next week

May 3, 2024
TCJA, Pillar Two, Inflation Reduction Act dominate discussion at Ways and Means hearing on White House budget plan

April 19, 2024
Filing season’s over but Wyden’s still committed to bipartisan tax package

April 12, 2024
Bipartisan tax package remains stuck in the Senate

March 22, 2024
Wyden presses his case for bipartisan tax package as Finance Committee debates White House FY 2025 budget blueprint

March 15, 2024
Wyden, Crapo still at odds over bipartisan tax package as Finance Committee debates manufacturing tax incentives

March 12, 2024 (Special Edition)
Biden doubles down on corporate, high-wealth tax increases in FY 2025 budget blueprint

March 11, 2024 (Special Edition)
White House releases FY 2025 budget proposal, ‘Green Book’

March 8, 2024
Biden renews calls for corporate, high-wealth tax increases in State of the Union address

March 1, 2024
Bipartisan tax deal still sidelined as Congress punts spending deadlines further into March

February 16, 2024
SALT relief fizzles in the House; bipartisan tax relief bill still stuck in the Senate

February 9, 2024
Bipartisan tax package in limbo in the Senate; SALT relief held up in the House

February 2, 2024
Bipartisan tax bill clears House, but Senate prospects remain uncertain

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