
Deloitte SAP Global Trade Services (GTS)

Center of Excellence

Risk management, cost reductions, process efficiencies, and cash savings opportunities dominate the C-suite agendas of many multinational companies. Businesses continue to face an increasing number of compliance requirements that are more rigorously enforced by various regulators. No company is exempt from these pressures. Companies should regularly review their global trade management program to determine whether they are effectively using technology to manage cross-border operations and the bottom line.

If your company is challenged with assessing, improving, or implementing a trade automation solution, then Deloitte can help you unleash the true potential of effectively using technology for trade management purposes. By combining industry-specific technology consulting and specialized global trade knowledge, Deloitte provides services to help clients modernize their trade program.

Learn more about Deloitte’s SAP GTS Offering

Deloitte’s GTS Center of Excellence (COE)

Over the past decade, Deloitte has developed a market-leading service offering for implementing SAP GTS on a global scale. Our trade compliance specialists and IT systems architects have applied their deep understanding of automated software applications and ERP systems to develop leading practice methodologies to implement technology to enhance trade programs.

Our team has deep specialism in all GTS functionalities:

  • Compliance Management – including Sanctioned Party List (SPL), embargo and export authorization management.
  • Customs Management – including import and export e-filing as well as bonded warehousing, free trade zones, and inward/outward processing relief.
  • Trade Preference Management – including implementation of functionalities to manage free trade agreement (e.g. USMCA, ASEAN etc.) requirements.
  • Product Classification – including export and import classification management across various jurisdictions.

Our GTS COE provides a wide range of trade technology services:

  • Defining a global trade vision and transformation roadmap
  • Selecting a global trade management solution
  • Implementing SAP GTS for all functionalities globally
  • Deploying global trade analytics and other accelerators to enhance your SAP GTS solution
  • Auditing SAP GTS implementation
  • Operating your SAP GTS solution

GTS Publication

Deloitte, in association with SAP Press, released the second edition of Implementing SAP Global Trade Services.

Navigate the complex web of regulations with this guide to implementing SAP GTS. Learn the ins and outs of SAP GTS and how it connects to SAP ERP and SAP S/4HANA®, compliance, customs, and risk management functionality, and explore your reporting options.

Know more

Get in touch

Pablo LeCour

Pablo LeCour

Principal | Global Trade Advisory

Pablo leads Deloitte’s Global Trade Technology practice in the Americas where he oversees global trade compliance transformation initiatives. He has more than 20 years of experience in regulatory comp... More

Kristine Dozier

Kristine Dozier

Principal | Global Trade Advisory

Kristine is the principal in charge of Deloitte Tax LLP’s Global Trade Advisory practice and she collaborates with Deloitte’s global network of trade professionals and technology specialists to design... More

Brian Carmitcheal

Brian Carmitcheal

Managing Director | Global Trade Advisory

Brian is a managing director in Deloitte’s Global Trade Advisory Practice where he specializes in business transformation and automation of global trade processes through the implementation SAP GTS so... More

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