

Multi-lens technology ethics with NVIDIA’s Nikki Pope

Exploring the implications of AI ethics across industries

Can algorithms be biased? And if so, what can we do to address the ethics of how AI is used across industries in a way that’s not just consistent with regulations, but that’s also trustworthy, responsible, and equitable by design? In this episode, learn about ethical tech considerations across multiple industries from someone who’s seen it all: Nikki Pope of NVIDIA, an organization focused on accelerated computer hardware.

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Solving for Tech Ethics™ Episode 2: Multi-lens technology ethics with NVIDIA’s Nikki Pope

With supercomputers increasingly powering the world—and bringing about a number of ethical questions—how can we see and apply technology ethics through the multi-industry lenses of law, academia, the corporate world, and beyond? And what real-world applications are already in play as we move into a technology-enabled future?

In our second episode of Solving for Tech Ethics, we hear from Nikki Pope, AI and legal ethics leader at NVIDIA, about the convergence—and divergence—of AI ethics in different industry contexts. We also learn about her experience driving positive outcomes for her former and current organizations.

There are so many lenses to look at when we start talking about technology ethics and AI ethics. Supercomputers are powering the entire world, and the ethical implications have to be considered from all these different lenses.

– Nikki Pope, AI and legal ethics leader, NVIDIA

Get in touch


Beena Ammanath

US Leader | Technology Trust Ethics | +1 415 783 4562

Beena is Executive Director of the Global Deloitte AI Institute and leads Trustworthy AI & Ethical Tech at Deloitte. She is the author of the upcoming book releasing in spring 2022 – “Trustworthy AI”

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