
Larry Strader

Specialist Leader | Deloitte Space

Larry Strader

1111 Bagby St.

Suite 4500



United States


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Larry is a specialist leader in the Deloitte Consulting Government and Public Services (GPS) organization leveraging systems engineering, modeling, and simulation to transform operating models for greater mission alignment and performance.

Larry has more than 30 years of experience helping Federal government organizations exceed performance targets and transform enterprise service delivery through non-traditional partnerships and commercial collaborations.

He has led human-rated and robotic spaceflight projects across the full life-cycle from requirements development and design through successful implementation and operations.

Larry is a community leader in multi-industry collaborations. He is a founding board member and active participant in the Technology Collaboration Center of Houston (TCC), Rockets and Rigs, Pumps and Pipes, and SpaceCom.

Larry Strader