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Full stack developer outlooks and trends

How this high-demand tech role is transforming the industry

Full stack developers (FSDs) can deliver value across the organization, resulting in leaders across multiple industries fighting for the same talent. Learn more about what their future could look like in the next three to five years.

Introducing the first edition of the Technology Skills Insights report

The Technology Skills Insights (TSI) report is designed to offer our perspective on the high-demand technology workforce skills and the emerging trends that are transforming the industry. Each quarter we’ll deliver relevant and valuable information that everyone—from seasoned executives to those just getting started in their career—can find useful to shape tech talent strategies and career journeys in this ever-evolving workforce segment.

Why choose the FSD for our inaugural edition? As cloud services, products, and platforms have become increasingly complex, businesses are in desperate need for the right talent to help them tackle this complexity and keep pace with competitors and marketplace demand. The FSD is also not a given. There are unique attributes of this emerging role, and many organizations are grappling with the question of how to build more FSD talent from within rather than buying it from the marketplace at elevated costs.

Download our TSI report and learn how the demand for the FSD stacks up across industries, where across the globe the demand is greatest, and what Deloitte leaders think the future of the FSD looks like.



Technology Skills Insights report: Full stack developer

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Take a deeper dive

Read all issues of our TSI reports, where we feature a different tech role each quarter and what impact it’s having on the industry.

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