

Deloitte Cloud Workforce and Operating Model Services

Transform to enable the full value of your cloud investment

Cloud is not just another technology implementation. It demands the right organizational mindset, behavior, and culture. Addressing your operating model and workforce can accelerate cloud adoption and allow you to scale its capabilities to achieve the greatest business value. Deloitte’s cloud workforce services can help you make it happen.

Achieve your possible with cloud workforce and operating model services

Cloud fundamentally changes the way work is done, who does it, and what tools and processes are necessary for success. While traditional infrastructure is physical and can take months to acquire, cloud applications, services, and products are relatively instantaneous, so everything, and everyone, must move faster.

However, many organizations approach cloud as just another technology project, They neglect to address the critical changes required to realize the benefits of cloud capabilities, achieve business objectives, and create competitive differentiation. They ultimately fail to get the full value of their cloud investment.

Building minimum viable products and continuously iterating demands the right cloud workforce and operating model and, oftentimes, a complete shift in mindset, behavior, and culture. Addressing operating model issues and talent gaps can accelerate adoption and allow you to scale cloud capabilities to achieve the following:

Accelerated ROI: Achieve and scale cloud milestones more rapidly

Lower risk: Address cloud adoption issues before implementation

Capable workforce: Develop talent that can deliver core cloud capabilities

Increased operations effectiveness: Integrate collaboratively across IT and business

Improved financials: Make your budget process nimble and shift from capex to opex

Increased efficiency: Underpin cloud operations with automations and application program interfaces (APIs)

Technology Skills Insights report:  Cloud solutions architect

Learn more

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The Deloitte difference

Our proprietary tools and capabilities, such as our cloud workforce analytics, are available to help you assess and define your cloud and workforce strategy.

As organizations move to cloud, we help them understand how being cloud-enabled allows them to be truly digital by adopting not just cloud, but agile, DevOps, analytics, machine learning, and a host of other capabilities. But we don’t simply tell them what they need to do; we help them get there by integrating workforce, technology and process to truly transform the way they operate.

How one company upskilled employees for the cloud

Find out how Deloitte helped a global financial institution create a framework for upskilling talent. 

Read the story >

Our latest thinking

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Get in touch

Manoj Mishra

Manoj Mishra

Managing Director | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Manoj is a managing director at Deloitte Consulting LLP. He has more than 20 years of experience advising senior Technology executives in the areas of innovation, strategy and software applications. H... More

Josh Haims

Josh Haims

Principal | Human Capital, Deloitte Academies Portfolio Leader

As a Deloitte Consulting LLP Human Capital Principal, Josh believes that an organization is only as powerful as its future-ready workforce. He is the Deloitte Academies Portfolio Leader with more than... More

Aniket Bandekar

Aniket Bandekar

Managing Director | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Aniket is a Managing Director in the Human Capital - Org Transformation practice. He works with technology leaders to define and implement organizational/workforce/people strategies in their cloud tra... More

Danielle Lesko

Danielle Lesko

Managing Director | Deloitte Consulting LLP

Danielle has 25 years of consulting experience, focused primarily in the healthcare delivery lifecycle from sales and account management to customer care, bringing depth and hands-on experience across... More

Elizebeth Varghese

Elizebeth Varghese

Principal & Co-leader | Human Capital | Deloitte Consulting

Elizebeth is a principal at Deloitte Consulting LLP and co-leads the Cloud Enabled Workforce practice, as well as the People in Space team. Elizebeth has more than 25 years of experience partnering wi... More

JT Woodson

JT Woodson

HR Transformation Principal | Deloitte Consulting

JT is a principal in Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Human Capital practice, specializing in delivering complex, global transformations. He has more than 25 years of professional human capital management (H... More

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