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The Technology Skills Insights report

A quarterly series intended to offer the latest trends in the technology workforce skills industry

From seasoned technology executives to those just starting out, Deloitte leaders offer insight into how to build and maintain a workforce to fuel growth, including roles that will be key to success.

The Technology Skills Insights (TSI) report is designed to offer our perspective on the high-demand technology workforce skills and the emerging trends that are transforming the industry. Each quarter we’ll deliver relevant and valuable information that everyone—from seasoned executives to those just getting started in their career—can find useful to shape tech talent strategies and career journeys in this ever-evolving workforce segment.

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Explore all of our TSI reports:

Cloud solutions architect
Technology Skills Insights report
The cloud solutions architect (CSA) is responsible for translating project requirements into strategic architecture for a polished final product. CSAs must also bridge the divide between intricate business challenges and transformative cloud-based solutions, making this role in demand across industries.
Site reliability engineer
Technology Skills Insights report
Site reliability engineers (SREs) have become top of mind for many organizations, as platforms and systems have only grown in complexity. Learn how the SRE role helps operate, maintain, and sustain new tools and systems, and which industries are vying for this talent.
Full stack developer
Technology Skills Insights report
Full stack developers (FSDs) can deliver value across the organization, resulting in leaders across multiple industries fighting for the same talent. Learn more about what their future could look like in the next three to five years.

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    Cloud is not just another technology implementation. It demands the right organizational mindset, behavior, and culture. Addressing your operating model and workforce can accelerate cloud adoption and allow you to scale its capabilities to achieve the greatest business value. Deloitte’s cloud workforce services can help you make it happen.

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