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Business Chemistry

Using science to improve the art of business relationships

Expressly designed for use in a business context, Business Chemistry can help you grasp where others are coming from, appreciate the value they bring, and determine what they need in order to excel. It is used by hundreds of thousands of professionals around the world to build stronger relationships, increase team performance, and create exceptional organizations.

Lead in virtual times with Business Chemistry®

By addressing different working styles through the lens of the Business Chemistry framework, leaders can help their teams adapt to virtualization and the unique stresses of the pandemic.

Explore the guide to using Business Chemistry in a virtual world.

Explore more at-a-glance

Tap the boxes to explore all that Business Chemistry can offer.

The Business Chemistry facilitated session by the Deloitte Greenhouse Experience team

Have you ever pondered what makes people click or clash? Why some groups excel and others fumble? How leaders can make or break team potential? Business Chemistry can provide the answers. Based on extensive research and analytics, plus years of proven success in the field, the Business Chemistry framework provides a simple yet powerful way to identify meaningful differences between people’s working styles.

Our premium facilitated sessions can:

  • Determine your own Business Chemistry type
    Spend 10 minutes completing an online assessment to get a detailed report about your working style
  • Understand Others
    Learn how to identify the four Business Chemistry types to help you develop a hunch about other people’s working styles through observation
  • Explore your team
    Discover your team’s composition and unique characteristics
  • Adapt your style
    Explore ways to engage more effectively with individuals and your team
  • Put Chemistry to work
    We practice what we teach by creating fun and memorable experiences that engage participants through active learning

The Business Chemistry experience delivered by your organization…to your organization

Are you interested in bringing Business Chemistry to your broader organization? Would you like your staff to become skilled facilitators who can introduce Business Chemistry across your company…on your own schedule? The client-led Business Chemistry at scale program gives you the option to plan, deliver, and roll out Business Chemistry across your organization independently, with facilitation training and technical support provided by Deloitte.

The Business Chemistry at Scale: Client-led Program is:

  • Flexible – This self-managed program allows organizations to deploy Business Chemistry to their professionals as they see fit
  • Scalable – The self-service delivery model is fully adaptable to the size and needs of an organization
  • Immersive – In-house management and delivery allows an organization to adopt Business Chemistry in a way that fits their culture and ways of working

Business Chemistry’s four types

Deloitte developed the Business Chemistry self-assessment* to help provide insights about individuals and teams based on observable business behaviors. Business Chemistry draws upon the latest analytics technologies to reveal four scientifically based patterns of behavior. The four primary Business Chemistry types are:

Click image to download an infographic

Watch our hilarious video to learn how individual strengths can come together and realize their powerful potential

Want more on Business Chemistry?

Business Chemistry Confessions
A new podcast series that features common workplace situations that Business Chemistry, when applied, can help navigate.
The practical magic of thank you
Deloitte’s Business Chemistry has released a new survey of 16,000 professionals, across a variety of industries, from C-suite leaders to junior staff, that confirms that when it comes to recognizing others, like many things at work, one size doesn’t fit all—and surprisingly, very few people want recognition that’s widely shared. Learn more now.
Harvard Business Review
Read the new science of team chemistry and learn about the personality types that make up a team.
Generations in the workplace 
Older generations may need to strip away what they think they know about millennials. The data suggests we simply misunderstood their strengths and how they like to work. New research from the Business Chemistry team can help organizations get more from their millennial talent.
Watch our latest webcast
Join a live call-in show with authors of Amazon’s best seller, Business Chemistry: Practical Magic for Crafting Powerful Work Relationships and learn more about applying Business Chemistry to real-life team challenges.

Contact us

Reach out to Deloitte's Chief Chemist to request a Business Chemistry session for your team.

Meet our leaders

Kim Christfort

Kim Christfort

Chief Innovation Leader | Deloitte Greenhouse®

Kim is the Chief Innovation Leader and National Managing Director of The Deloitte Greenhouse® Experience group, which helps executives tackle tough business challenges through immersive, facilitated l... More

Suzanne Vickberg (aka Dr. Suz)

Suzanne Vickberg (aka Dr. Suz)

Research Lead | Deloitte Greenhouse®

Dr. Suz is a social-personality psychologist and a leading practitioner of Deloitte’s Business Chemistry, which Deloitte uses to guide clients as they explore how their work is shaped by the mix of in... More